TTC.. Going to give it a go

It's all go go go for me at the moment so I am trying the fertility monitor but in the past six months since being off the pill I've come to know how I work very well! It tends to be day 14 or 15 and my best bet is the week running up to this. I'm sure uve got a nice tidy bump sunny! :) have u had any cravings? My friends have all had their babies now! It's bit scary how lax I am! Any other news with u? Are u married btw? I still picture u as this girl with blue hair in real life!! Lol Xx

Thanks young mum congrats on yr new pregnancy! Xx
Sunny ur 19 weeks already WOWZERS!!! how's everything? I'm on day 2 so this is my first cycle! Eeeeeek so excited!! Xx

OMG, I was amused before when we both decided May for TTC but even our cycles are barely two days apart! lol

Welcome back and good luck Hun :D

Thanks guys :)

Lander I'm hoping we catch the same time too! That's pretty cool cause I was chatting to you bout six months ago and we decided it was goin to be around May time! I'm really excited now tho!

Hey AC, nice to see you back on here :) wishing you lots of luck and hope it's not too long before you get your BFP xx
It's all go go go for me at the moment so I am trying the fertility monitor but in the past six months since being off the pill I've come to know how I work very well! It tends to be day 14 or 15 and my best bet is the week running up to this. I'm sure uve got a nice tidy bump sunny! :) have u had any cravings? My friends have all had their babies now! It's bit scary how lax I am! Any other news with u? Are u married btw? I still picture u as this girl with blue hair in real life!! Lol Xx

Thanks young mum congrats on yr new pregnancy! Xx

That is so cool that you know how you work so well - that'll stand you in good stead and at an advantage. Before the opks, I was BDing at toootally the wrong times haha! Like by a whole week! I'll be using my monitor after the baby arrives - no way will I ever be out of tune again with my body.
I needed pies and also orange juice last week but it's more food aversions I've had really.
I am indeed married and I wish I had blue hair!!
PM me if you want to add me to Facebook - although that will destroy the blue hair image ;)
I am so excited for you TTC - seriously I'll be all over the TTC and BFP threads!!!
Tink!!! How's it all goin for u! Awh it's great to hear from u! How's things settled with u? After six months of being off the pill I've finally come to kno my body although it likes to play tricks! Pls update me on everything! Xx

Sunny ur so funny pies and orange juice lol! I will send ya an extra long PM with updates and I want a essay back lol. :) Dammit I really thought u had blue hair! Xx

Thanks cosmic hope u are ok chic! Xx

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