TTC - Early signs?


New Member
Dec 30, 2008
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I posted quite some time ago regarding trying to concieve...

Still trying with little success!

However..I had sex with my partner last night roughly half 9ish.

About half an hour ago I started feeling some fairly painful abdominal pains, they are not seriousley painful but are painful and I have never experienced them before, I am now feeling sick, not like I am going to be sick, just sick, and feel like my head is burning, my ears feel very hot.

I have read that this rise in temperature and the abdominal pains can occur during and just after conception, because conception itself can take between 24-48 and possibly even 72 hours. And it can also happen instantly, I know this because my friend experienced pretty much instant conception.

So what I am asing is..have any of you experienced this and then found out you were pregnant?? or do any of you know this is a sign?
funnily enough right after I conceived I got a raised temp etc.......3 days before I got my BFP I came down with a raging cold though so it's more than likely that's what it was!!!

Your body temp raises after you have ovulated and if you are pregnant it stays high after your period has started. This raise in temp is only usually about 1/2 to 1 1/2 degrees so most women don't even realise it unless they take their temps each morning and know what their average temps are.

Saying that like you I've know people who have known they are pregnant because they suddenly just felt really warm all the time so it could be a good sign for you. good luck :hug:

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