TTC doubts - or nerves!


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
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I spent days deciding whether to go for a 3rd baby or not = not because I don't want another child, but because I don't do being pregnant very well! I had high bp, labour scare at 26 weeks and induced labour with my first and with second i had 24/7 nausea/sickness, horrible taste in mouth constantly and zero energy and swine flu at 19weeks preg! birth with 2nd was great though :)

Now I am self employed this time around so no chances of sick leave etc so need to work through til very last minute! am wondering if I can cope being pregnant again.

I have just come off bcp and feel awful today - very sick, belly cramps and zero energy and headache - I had this last time I came off the pill to ttcno2! But it reminds me how 'awful' I feel whilst preg as this is how I felt most of my 2nd pregnancy.

Now I'm thinking can I do this again - please convince me I can as I have my heart set on a 3rd baby.:oooo:
awww, maybe what you need to do is not focus on the being pregnant part so much and maybe focus on what you get at the end of it! A baby! Pregnancy lasts for 40 wks out of a life time of happy moments with a child! if it's something you really really want I think you should go for it.
I really do want it and am psyching myself up for dealing with the pregnancy. Those thoughts were exactly what got me through my last pregnancy - everytime I felt awful or was ill and the days felts like weeks and weeks felt like months - I would just hold my belly, visualise the lo in there and focus on the fact that these symptoms and feelings were temporary and that we would have a lovely baby at the end of it all :)

I know I can do it, but will be hard in my line of work - not much time for rest......
As said above really hun... If its something you really want.. I say go for it :).. Good luck :) xx
They say every pregnancy is different, you might be fine?! If it's something you really want then go for it, otherwise you'll always wonder 'what if'

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