Hi Ladies,
I have been trying to concieve for a while now ive undergone tests and scans and i have been told everything is in working order, so i assume the problem in catching is within myself, timing ovulation etc.
ive started temping and using opks, Yesterday i had a rather positive test (same colour as test line) we dtd.
this afternoon ive taken another OPK and ive had this test attached, it is obviously stronger than yesterdays test.
i know that this is definitely a positive test. but i dont know but about using OPKs. how long after a positive test can you ovulate? and should i still continue to take the tests now ive had a strong positive?
we DTD again this afternoon because of the test but is it worth DTD again tomorrow? or can too much be a bad thing?
if anyone has any answers they would be much appreciated,
thanks in advance!