TTC and have Thrush


Feb 6, 2006
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Hi, I'm new here and have a question.
Has anyone else heard that thrush can be an early pregnancy symptom? TTC for almost a year now so clutching at anything and quite excited about my current bout of thrush rather than be down about it! AF due next week. Have any of you Mummies experienced this at such an early stage? :?
Hiya elsie and welcome to the site.

Thrush can be an early sign of pregnancy. It can develop because of the hormonal changes so you may be more prone to getting it.

Have you been ill lately or been on antibiotics at all? These can affect your immune system leading to the bacteria growing rapidly hence causing thrush. Have seen your doctor about it, I take it you get it quite often - bummer! :(

Lets hope it is your first sign of pregnancy, my fingers are crossed for you, you must be getting fustrated after all this time, poor you. Keep us posted on how you're getting on, everyone on here is so friendly and helpful and we're always here if you need us!

Take care.

Nicki.x :D
You know what I got thrush during the week last weekk and had a tablet to clear it up - I forgot about that - you can't take them when pregnant :shock:

I suppose thrush could be more likely as te hormone changes can make you seem 'warmer' in the area.
It was a sign with my first, I was scared the thrush would get my ivf put back and it turns out I was pg anyway.
Thanks girls. Great to know there are others out there going through the same thing. Will keep my fingers crossed that AF stays away. :)

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