ttc after miscarridge

libbys mum

Mar 9, 2006
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Hi im kirstie im ttc after I had a mc at 18 weeks on 6th jan 06. Im sh@*ting myself. dh and I have deceided that the time is right. The docs told us to wait 3 months but the con at hosp said to try when we feel it right and we are ready now.
Any advice to help things along.............
Im feeling really positive for the future
xx :p
hi and welcome so sorry to hear about your mc :( hope you are well
if you feel the time is right for you now then go for it only you know whats best for you and your body i wish you all the best with ttc and im sure you will find this forum very friendly and the girls really supportive xxx
Ditto what Rach has said.. sorry for your loss, at 18 weeks that must have been really tragic for you and OH.. just when you thought all would be fine.. very sad.. big hugs to you.

I was told to wait 3 months and to be honest it took that long for my fertility signs to return but I also had a polyp and cervical inflammation so I had to wait to get those sorted.. am very glad I waited although I was not really ready emotionally when I did get my BFP in December.. I really freaked out and cried every day for weeks.. and I am still nervous about it all !!

Good luck ttc and if you need any tips .. this is the place!!

thanks for your messages its nice to know I have support and im not by myself. :)
Hi and welcome to the forum. Hope to hear good news soon xx
I've read your posts and so sorry to hear about your mc. Stay positive and enjoy TTC. Keeping all fingers and toes crossed for BFP!! :D
Emilia xx

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