TTC after MC


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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Hi all,

Since my mc on 13th oct, I've been ttc again....had my af on 13 nov, so around now should be time of ovulation. I've been 'trying' as much as is possible since af, as don't really know when ovulation will occur for definite. I don't really understand why I am feeling as though it just isn't going to happen?! I keep looking for any pregnancy symptoms, usually my breasts would swell and become tender within about a week of conceiving. But I have had nothing, and am really anxious that there is something wrong!
I know it can take some people's bodies a while to recover after a mc....but I keep thinking how quickly I fell pregnant the first two times (it only took one go!). My OH keeps telling me to stop thinking about it, and be positive, usually I am a positive person but I have this lingering feeling that I can't get pregnant now! xx

Sorry about your loss, I know how hard it is and my heart goes to you.
I dont have any definate answers for you but didnt want to read and run. I think it is so common to feel like this after a miscarriage. I know I do, my loss was on the 10th September and desperate to be pregnant again. Try not to worry if you are not pregnant this month, it can take a while for bodys to recover from miscarriage. I am sure you will get your BFP soon but try not to put too much pressure on yourself :hugs:xxx
Sorry to hear of your loss. I fell pregnant within a couple of months but then miscarried at 12 weeks. It then took me a year, but I'd had a D&C so not sure if that makes any difference. We got so fed up with ttc that towards the end of the year I saw my GP about going on the pill to just give us a break. She said to me that it can take up to a year for your body to recover, but then I'd always thought you were more fertile after a miscarriage. We took away the pressure, the symptom spotting and stress and I fell pregnant for the second time. Sadly we lost it at only 5 weeks, I had one normal af 30 days later and then fell pregnant the following month. Currently only 6 weeks but feeling bit positive and been for an early scan.

What I'm trying to say...I think it just depends. It happens when it's time. Keep taking folic acid and easier said than done but do relax and just enjoy yourself. The more you stress the harder it is to conceive. The month we fell pregnant we dtd every other day (tmi lol)

Good luck, hope you get your bfp soon xx
Its natural to worry, i think us women are programmed to worry about our bodies and the future because we want it so much.....

I wish you luck hun, like Lisey said try not to put pressure on yourself and your OH is right you need to be positive, my OH says the same thing and I think (for ones) he is right but its so hard not to get yourself so involved in it as its such a important thing.


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