TTC after depo- anyone similar story?


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2008
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Hi there, Well I had my last depo provera injection over 20 months ago and haven't had a period since. I have had four lots of spotting over the last 6 months. We haven't used any precautions since going of the contraceptive injection and have been actively trying by charting rather then just random bd'ing for 3 months. I have an appointment at the fertility clinic at the hospital 3rd December.

What is this spotting? Is it just a side effect after coming of depo even though it's almost been 2 years?

OH is getting his semen analysis results tomorrow which I am sure (And hope) will be fine as it is me that has the very irregular cycle.

I have been taking vitus agnus cactus for 4 months and have had 4 acupuncture appointments to help.

Anyone in a similar situation? I just feel so low and I felt like I was kicked in the stomach when one of my highschool best friends announced she is 3 months pregnant even though they were "Actually trying really hard not to get pregnant"
Hiya :wave:

I am also TTC after depo, but I was lucky that my periods returned pretty quickly, I only had one injection (Jan 07) following the birth of my DD. I was due next injection in April but didnt go for it. I had a bit of spotting in the July which lasted 2 or 3 days and was watery and browny. Then about a month later I had a lmore spotting/ very light period and by the Sept I had a proper AF. I did have the depo for about 3 years prior to my DD and think it took longer, maybe 5 or 6 months, before I had any spotting. Anyway, I had an early mc in Jan this year and have been unsuccessfully TTC since. I have an appointment on 10th dec at gynae so not long after yours eh? The spotting sounds like the start of your AF returning properly to me, but hopefully the clinic will give you some definate answers. Good luck! :D
Oh, and one of my best friends recently got pregnant accidently after having sex ONCE without a condom!! And we have ttc for a year and a half and are still not pg so I totally know how you feel, I felt absolutely gutted. :(
Really nice to hear from you! my spotting has been watery too. So hope that you are right and it is an indication that a full af is coming on. Wow, yes my friend used to screw her nose up at babies in school and did not have a maternal bone in her. She is happy now that it has happened though.
Have you done OPKs to see if you are ov? Is that all part of charting? I was wondering, has your GP done any bloods on you yet? I havent had any and I am presuming they will do them after my clinic appt but I want things to move quickly as I am so impatient ha ha. I have noticed some people get them done before they get refered but thats not whats happened in my case. Seems different docs have different ways of doing stuff eh? I think the depo can pay total havoc with your hormones by the looks of it, I personally wish I hadnt had it :(
I do OPK's but they are confusing as this month it showed a 90% positive line twice but a week apart. The second one was after I had been very sick, vomiting constantly for 30 hours so I think my urine was really strong and thats why the second one was almost positive. Previous months I had 30mui tests, which didn't pick anything up whereas this month they are 15mui. If I get my period in another 4-6 days then I guess I did ovulate.... unless the spotting was af which would mean my leuteral phase is very short.

I had some initial bloods done a couple of months ago which the doctor said my hormones were fine at that time and I wasn't ov when I had them done. Don't really know what the tests were. Doc said get sperm analysis done before going for gynae appt at fertility clinic as they will need to do it anyway.

Yes I never paid attention or was never told it could take this long to get back to normal but didn't really care when I was only 17. The pill gives me migraines so that's why I was on/off depo for 10 years...
I think 90%ish is good on an OPK. I had the 15miu ones last month and picked my surge up. It was slightly less than the control line but as I get no line whatsoever in the days leading up to it and also after it then I just take it that the strongish line is enough. I have used them a few months and truthfully never had a totally strong positive. This month I used 30miu tests and on CD12 I got 50% line and had nothing before and nothing since. I am now on CD16 which is late for me to be OV so I presume that that was it then?! I am trying pineapple juice (dont ask!) and pregnacare conception tablets this month to see if it improves my chances. Good luck to you, hope 2nd bleed was IB :)
Tx for the kind wishes! Well I guess if it was ovulation then I will get af within around 2 weeks! I am taking pregnacare conception too! Was taking an organic conception formulation but it is really expensive so thought I'd go for pregnacare. Have you had normal af since your mc? (I am so sorry about this, how early was it?). Well fingers crossed that having had a dd means that you will be able to get pregnant soon. The wait for the appointment seems to take forever!
Hello again :wave: my mc was at 7 weeks but I dont think there was a baby as I had a scan due to cramping at 6 + 2 and there was a sac that was small for my dates so I suspect it was a blighted ovum. Yeah I have had pretty regular AF since then, 10 cycles in all ranging from 26 to 31 days. Most months I have also had a faint positive on first response and ebay cheapies at 7 to 8 dpo. But then by day 9 or 10 its gone and my AF arrives a few days later so hence I am getting worried now and its part of the reason for my referral, as I may be having implantation failure. Why I am having this and what can be done about it I dont know!! I know what you mean about me already having dd but I guess that with every month that goes by I get more and more worried that something just isnt right. :( Hope your AF stays away :)
It's so frustrating isn't it? I also had faint positives on first response that disappeared at the 10 minute mark- 3 times. Don't know what that was about! Never had them on ebay cheapies though so suspect it was an invalid test rather that a bfp.

I don't know weither I want af or not! Haven't had one yet so atleast that would mean I am getting back into normal cycles, but of course no af due to being pg would be amazing.

Well I hope that the reason you are not pg is that your body is just adjusting back to normal or coincidence and that you will get your bfp soon. Who knows what the next year holds for us?
Yeah hopefuly we will get lucky! :D Well I kept doing the OPKs and I have got a proper positive today, so I dont know why I had a little rise last weekend. I thought LH didnt fluctuate except for the surge?! So I will test on Bonfire night then, a day early as AF will be due on 6th. And that is very restrained for me waiting that long ha ha but I dont want the usual early disappointments. Keep us posted how you get on :)
I have definitely had my Lh surge fluctuate (Well presumed when the opk lines have gone dark to light and then darker again at a later date). I think take todays as the valid test as it was darker. I got a positive after I had been vomiting for 2 days and was very dehydrated so think urine concentration has a lot to do with it too. Will be thinking about you on bonfire night. I tested today :oops: apparently 10 dpo and got a bfn but am not losing hope altogether as some people don't get their bfp until af is due. It is highly unlikely though for me but no harm in :) dreaming
It took nearly a yr for my periods to return before I had Ben.
I dont recal aving any spotting but this may well be a sign that there gearing up to come back so to speak.
Have you been to your GP.

The depo is a bugger and well known for delayed periods.

Hope all works out soon for you hun :hug:
Did you test again or are you being good? I am itching to do one and I am only 4 dpo ha ha how ridiculous can you get?! I am not doing it too early though I cant be arsed with a bfp at 8dpo then negative at 9dpo then waiting for AF to show so I will enjoy the suspense of my 2 week wait for the first time :D
I tested again at 12dpo at about 3pm and got a bfn!!!! Got bogof at boots on first response and couldn't resist. I am now apparently 16dpo and still no sign of af. To be honest I am 99% sure that I didn't actually ov then and ff just thinks I did as my chart is so jaggy (Take a look) and my cycles are so long that my 'period' on cd1 was prob just spotting (Therefore part of the previous cycle). Also because 16 days is a long leteral phase.

Resist if you can, you are doing so well so far!
I am all new to this, bit overwhelmed, didn't think it'd be this complicated :wall:

I was on the depo from 1999 I has my last injection a year ago tomorrow (halloween!) It's only the last 3 months I have had my period and it's been quite a while inbetween and it's been quite heavy, no spotting or anything until August when it came and I felt crap, hadn't had a period in 9 years.

At first I came off it because I have been on it so long and originally was going to try another pill or something but thought I would clear my system first, then my husband started getting broody as my friend had a little girl and when she left her boyf she moved in with us for a couple of weeks until she sorted out another place. I gave in and thought it wouldn't hurt. So we think we are gonna give it a go from Feb. My doc is crap, he has 'no time for this kind of touchy feely crap' to quote, there isn't a great selection of docs in our area, thinking it might be best to see someone else. Can you get an appt with a midwife if ttc?

My SiL is due another baby in April 09, it's really frustrating as she resents her first child and sends her to a nursery everyday even though she's a stay at home mum, we have her most weekends and some evenings she's a real love, she was 2 in May. SiL has been drinking/sleeping around up until she found out last week she was expecting, went for a scan monday to find out how far she was. My MiL think she's amazing etc, she doesn't know about nursery/drinking/swinging etc only me and hubby!

My friend had been on depo as long as me and we came off at same time, she had twins 2 weeks ago! I really don't know what it is! I now see the same herbalist as her!
Hey Kellen. How long are your cycles now? At least you are getting a period, that is great and you are prob ovulating seeming you have had 3. Are they equally spaced out?

It's frustrating isn't it seeing people who don't want a baby have one when we are trying so hard! Maybe we try to hard.

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