Trying to stand up.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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Cant describe it for the title but Leif just started crawling in the last week or two but he is constantly trying to stand up! whether is be holding on to something or not, he is sticking his bum in the air and getting on his feet but he isnt strong enough to get himself up yet without holding on to something, I dont know what i can do, he has already fell back and banged his head once and nearly pulled the fireguard on top of him cause his legs are not strong enough to hold him up without support yet, plus i am sure he is supposed to enjoy crawling around for a bit before trying to get up and walk everywhere.
Isaac's been doing this for ages, wish he'd just walk alone already :lol:
Some babies never crawl, they go from sitting watching to walking, so watch out :shock: The banging head bit isn't good I know, Isaac fell backwards today and banged his head, and its weird as he's never cried much in pain before at all, its so sad :cry: But sometimes it happens, don't feel too bad, they all fall and bump something before being able to walk alone, and then some afterwards anyway :shock:
Dylan does this too, he cracks me up because he won't sit on the floor to play with his toys! His wee legs aren't strong enough yet so my arms are breaking with holding him up

Seems like only a few weeks ago your babies are born girls and there now nearly walking? jesus I cant wait for this to all start happening :cheer: but as shes not even sitting up yet we have a while to go lol and the friggin bumbo still hasnt arrived.
willow is always trying to stand up but she still cant get her self to her feet she will walk with her lion walker or holing on to me but she cant stand herself up but she is crawling all over the plac.
Harrison was standing up ages before he walked so don't worry hun you might have a few month before he takes them first steps yet

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