am i pregnant?

Jan 19, 2010
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Hi ladies, I've just joined so sorry if I'm doing this wrong, but I'm after some help?
I'm 6 days late for my period (which is normal completely regular) and last month my partner and I started trying for a baby. My last period was on 18th december, and I have a 28 day cycle.
I've been urinating more than normal, have more discharge than normal, have occasional (quite painful) stomach cramps but no other symptoms. I've done a few hpts - the last one yesterday, and they all come up negative. Could I still be pregnant or is this wishful thinking?

You're totally in the same boat as me and another girl on here, my last period was on the 18th and i've had 3 negative tests! I'm testing again tomorrow. I think it's quite possible that you are, it's just one of those things where we're all going to have to sit it out :( not much help really am i.

I'm new here too.

My OH & I decided to start trying for a baby last month too. I was on the pill so I am waiting to see if my AF is going to come.

I hope you get the result you want! xx
It's so frustrating though isn't it? I can't understand it. I've just joined another forum and they are really sweet, and say I'm testing too early - but I can't understand why as I'm 6 days late. They say that I could have ovulated late - but I don't understand why as my periods have always been every 28 days before. I'm the least patient person I know, so the wait is going to kill me!!!
The wait is killing me too! I think when they say you ovulated later that doesn't mean your period would be later, not everyone ovulates 14 days before their period i think. So if you conceived later than that 14 day period it would take longer for implantation?! I think that's what everyone means!!!

I've also read not to test until you're a week late!

This wait is horrible and I feel rather silly taking so many tests. I can't see what else it could be really. Do you feel pregnant? What are your symptoms?
I'm impatient has hell too!! lol

We're you on the pill? (If you don't mind me asking)

I took a test last sunday but it was negative which we were expecting because I haven't had an AF since coming off the pill. I think my AF is supposed to come today but as of yet she's staying away! GRR

All we can do is wait and see I guess!

Keep me posted as it sounds like we're going through very similar situations at the moment - we can be impatient together lol

I don't know if I feel pregnant - which I guess means that I'm not! I'm peeing loads and have discharge, but my boobs feel normal and I have no other signs.
I came off the pill in august, but have been using condoms until last month.
How people can wait a week until they take their test I have no idea - as soon as we had sex I wanted to take one. I think it's going to get very expensive at this rate - even with the cheap tests. I'm rubbish at this I;ve had
Stay in touch both of you and let me know how you get on. fingers crossed for all of us!!
:wave: Hey there and welcome to PF, i cant really say if you could be or not but i wanted to say hello :D good luck and all the best xx
Ha ha I fully understand your frustrations, I can't stand waiting either but it is getting expensive! Just wait every 48 hours at least to test and always do first morning urine. Some women don't get many symptoms at all especially if it's your first because your body isn't used to it. And some women don't even feel like they are either, pregnancy is just so unpredictable... I'll let you all know my result tomorrow!!! Good Luck guys!
Just wanted to wush all you new girls luck, hope your AF stays away and you get some BFP's soon- JJ
hi im the other girl jorji mention im also 6days late tomoz and getting bfn i totally understand how you feeling its horrible but as long as af stays away we are still in. because we only bd once and late in the cycle i think its very true that you can ovulate alot later in your cycle( i think i ovulate cd18/19) which means it would take longer to show up on a test!!
good luck hope you get answers soon too its driving me mad xx
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Good luck girls- I hated being in that position a couple of months ago and so feel your pain. x
Me again. I think you must have put my mind at rest - because i got my af just now. It's a shame but i'd rather know one way or the other than wondering constantly what's going on. Guess we'll try again this month! Have any of you got any tips on working out my ovulation date for next month? I think i need all the help i can get as now i've got no idea when it should be! should i get some ovulation tests? and if so - where is the best place to get them from? any advice is gratefully received!
Good luck to those of you who are waiting to find out - i really hope you get BFPs!!
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lots of ladies suggest tracking you basal body tempreture

if you look on ebay for ovulation tests you can sometimes buy packs of ovualtion tests and a thermometer and you need to track for a whole month so from day one of af and you should see a temp dip just before ovulation with a higher temp just after ovulation.

if you do this along with ovulation tests it may help to know when and if ovualtion occurs.

Sorry to hear you have had a AF, the witch!

Better luck next month....

Donna xx
sorry the cow got you lovely!! like you said i would rather know either way so i could crack on with trying.
loads of girls on here use the ovulation tests from ebay so must be pretty good. never used them myself just have fun trying and hope for the best.
lots of luck lovely, you will get your bfp soon xx
I have used the ovulation tests off ebay this month (1st month ttc) and detected my ovulation. If i am not successful this month then i will be temping next month too.

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