Trying to Concive Our First Baby


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2012
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So me and my Finace are trying to conceive our first baby we have been trying for 5 months now and no luck so far. I was diagnosed with PCSO in July 2010, I was wondering if anyone else is trying to conceive with the condition? :eh:
Hi hun, I've recently found out I've got cysts on my ovaries and so looks like I have PCOD, am currently on my first cycle with 100mg Clomid to help me ovulate.

Have you had any tests or treatment for yours?

You're not alone. :hugs:

Hi. My fiance and i also trying for 1st baby, also been trying 5 months! I am new to the forum but finding it so supportive. Good luck to you and i hope things go well
Hi there ladies.

Thank you MissJuly10! Im not reviving any treatment at the moment ive been told I need to have been trying to conceive for 12 months before im eligible. Is this correct? :eh:

And thank you crazycatlady! I am also new. And yes we have been trying to conceive for the same length of time! :lol:
I was told that at my GP appointment too.. But I went to see them just after 12 months so it may well be. Have you had a go with Agnus Castus? x
Lol, Agnus Castus. You can buy it from Holland & Barrett. They're herbal pills which are supposed to help ladies regulate their cycles, there's a few on here who got their BFPs after using AC. It's not a miracle pill and it might not work but worth a try in the meantime?

Have a Google if you want. :)

x x
Lol, Agnus Castus. You can buy it from Holland & Barrett. They're herbal pills which are supposed to help ladies regulate their cycles, there's a few on here who got their BFPs after using AC. It's not a miracle pill and it might not work but worth a try in the meantime?

Have a Google if you want. :)

x x

What with PCSO? I mean im not ovulating at all. :eh:

I willing try anything that could help us to conceive. Im currently taking Folic acid.
I tried it for one cycle and it didn't work for me and I don't ov either. I'm not sure about the other ladies that got their BFPs though. :think:

x x
I tried it for one cycle and it didn't work for me and I don't ov either. I'm not sure about the other ladies that got their BFPs though. :think:

x x

Oh well. Its just strange... I had my period on the 22nd February then on day 15 7th March I had a positive OPK On the ClearBlue digital. We tried 5, 7,8,9 March 2012 to get pregnant (I know TMI). After this I had no more periods. The only thing I had was my cramping around the 22 March. But I had it for 3 days and No bleeding with it. Then on the 1st April and 2nd April 2012 I had two faint :bfp: I was in shock! The 2nd April would of possilby been the time for my period but because im irregular it was only a guess :shock:

The 3rd April I never got to see as my cat deceided to knock it in the toilet.... :dohh:

I tested a week or so later and got all negatives, but on the 11th April in the evening I had a brown spot in my underwear about the size of a 2pence, the next morning 12th April I wiped myself and got a tissue covered in Clear sticky discharge, with two thin streaks of red blood in it some little tiny spots of Pale pink. I panicked and thought what the hell is this! :shock:

I went to the loo a few hours later and nothing completely dry! :eh:

And nothing since this day, other than discharge, most of it milk whit in my underwear some clear and some creamy. TMI I know Sorry.

Im so confused. Ive even gone up two bra sizes in weeks! And look as if I have a bump this why I marched my doctors this morning as I cant make sense of my test. And he is going to do a test and any day now should hear about my ultrasound and I will be going. In the mean time im eating healthy and taking folic acid I have been since we started to TTC.

Sorry long winded. :lol:

Not stopping me trying though. Keep on going
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So since your bfp's, you've not had AF? So you could still have a chance of being pregnant, it certainly sounds that way from the things you've described. :think:

Did the GP do a pregnancy test or just the ultrasound? x
So since your bfp's, you've not had AF? So you could still have a chance of being pregnant, it certainly sounds that way from the things you've described. :think:

Did the GP do a pregnancy test or just the ultrasound? x

Yeah he has done one it was negative also, But He wants another one today well Ive got to do it Monday morning and take it, shall have results by Tuesday.

And he referred me for ultrasound on the 27th April, so just over 2 weeks ago, I asked him about his also and he said he will try to rush it a little as im starting to have bad dreams over it like (If I am is my baby okay and healthy? Dreaming that my baby has passed away inside me) I know its horrible but This is what im getting when im asleep. But he said it shouldn't been much longer now before I get my appointment.

My mum also has a fetal doppler, which we used on me I thought I was about 8 weeks pregnant this is 3 weeks ago now, and the Doppler picked up 139 beats per minuets! :eh: Tried it again at possible 10 weeks, and nothing, but we had to rush a bit as my dad was hanging around and he doesn't know anything yet. :eh: I mean there is no way my heart beat is 139 beats a minuet :shock: But my mum said not to worry as its early days and it also depends if the baby has moved and is lying in another position, like towards the back.

But the doctor said he will sort out my scan for me. Took my blood pressure too and that was fine. And since :bfp: No AF.
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Hmm hopefully the scan will give you a proper answer so you can be put out of your misery in limbo! It'd be amazing to go for a scan and see a little bean on the screen. :love:

x x
Hmm hopefully the scan will give you a proper answer so you can be put out of your misery in limbo! It'd be amazing to go for a scan and see a little bean on the screen. :love:

x x

I know it would be a little surprise! Oh how much I wish that is what we will see :love:

But dont want to get to excited and then come crashing down.. So to stay calm about it for now.

It is all so strange. Unless im drinking to much and diluting my samples. I even tried it on one drink a day half a glass of something this may of not been enough so maybe ive been testing wrong I don't know.

When I know when I go in for Scan I will let you know.... :)
That's what I do, expect nothing so if something happens, I'm so surprised! :)

x x
That's what I do, expect nothing so if something happens, I'm so surprised! :)

x x

You have been really nice and friendly towards me, So thank you :hugs:

Im praying and hoping though. Ive also heard some women don't get the HcG in there Urine, or never get a high level?
Okay ladies I have an update.

So the doctor I was seeing, has sent 3 urine tests to the hospital to test for pregnancy which are all negative. As you ladies know from my post above two home tests were faint positive. In April One day after the other. The doctor had put me down as none urgent and I think he has made a error in making judgement in my condition before he knows or 100% certain if im pregnant or not and as failed to listen. So I went to see another doctor today. And he was very good! He said to me that a positive is a positive faint or strong. He also said in some cases HcG does not reach the woman's urine and this can give false positives. He said "A positive is a positive, but you can get false negative!" Which could be what's happened with me. So he wanted a Blood HcG. Now ive also got this done today. Saw the doctor at 3mp where he examined my stomach and blood pressure and at 4pm I had my blood taken. Which the results will now be in Thursday!

I have been waiting 3 and a half weeks for an ultrasound also, to see if im pregnant or not, and because I have PCSO. The other doctor had put me under non urgent adn was told could bne waiting up to 6 weeks to go for it! (I know disgusting! :mad:) So the other doctor toady said I will try and rush it for you and what do you know 6pm I had a phone call from the hospital ultrasound department, with an appointment for me and ironically This Thursday afternoon same day as blood results! :dance:

I am relivied so finally it is here it is time! :cheer:

This is great news for because by Thursday afternoon I will know if im going to have my first little baby or not! If I am I will be relieved I now know and over the moon, But if not i will be heartbroken, but in a way its still good news as I can go back to the doctor and ask for help in conceiving and maybe take herbal remedies in the mean time. :)
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So me and my Finace are trying to conceive our first baby we have been trying for 5 months now and no luck so far. I was diagnosed with PCSO in July 2010, I was wondering if anyone else is trying to conceive with the condition? :eh:

Hello. I have been TTC for 10 months and I have PCOS. I have had this since I was 12 ish. I've seen my Gynaecologist and i've been told to loose weight before they do any tests to even see if i'm ovulating or wel whats going on inside. So i'm currently on SMEP and lots of ecercise where possible!

I'm also hoping for Chlomid if i'm not working properly once I loose the weight.

FX for your BFP.

I am keeping everything crosses for you tomorrow xx

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Or crossed even :p stupid phone!!

Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2

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