trying to concieve with pcos


Jan 11, 2011
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i'm new to the forum, so first of all a big :wave: to everyone! i just wanted some advice or hope from some of you lovely ladies. As the title suggests i have pcos, diagnosed around 12 years ago. I concieved with clomid resulting in my ds 10 years ago and my dd 5 years ago. With my ds i was prescribed clomid by fertility doc, for my dd I returned to gp and he just gave me clomid script no questions asked! We now would like another, which is where things get confusing. I now have regular 30 day cycles since coming off mirena coil in june 2010. have used no protection since and so far nothing :roll: I saw a new Gp 2 days ago as i have now changed practice and she was horrible and very rude and said that clomid were not smarties :shock: and that Iwould have to try and concieve naturally for at least 18 months before she would refer me but as i was under 35 she didnt hold much hope of referral. So i have arranged to have progesterone test on cd21 which will hopefully at least tell me if my now regular cycles are ovulating ones. What concerns me is that for the last 14 years (apart from 18 mnths of mirena) i have never used contraception and never fallen pregnant without the aid of clomid. Is anyone on here trying to concieve naturally with pcos or know of anything i can do to increase my chances? the thought of starting all over again with the tests etc... to be told what i already know is really getting to me.
I don't think that's very nice what the docs have said!!! I have pcos too and I went to the docs cos I didn't have a period after stopping the pill (I left it 6 months and then went). I was referred to a specialist who immediately decided I would have ovarian drilling and then also removed a tumour from my left ovary. He said that it would give me a good fertile window for 4/5 months (if I wanted to, he told me to be careful if I didn't want a baby) but basically said that if I wanted to conceive but couldn't then to go back when I wanted to and he would sort out meds.
I actually got pregnant two weeks after the operation in December. I have miscarried but that's besides the point really, they helped me straight away xx
The way you was treated was bs, but you do unfortunately get some doctors like that :(

Your only option is to go and see another GP, just make an appointment with another one at the practice and try your luck. If not, make another one with yet anothr GP. If not, get referred to another practice.

Or maybe you could go private for PCOS diagnosis and then you can take the results to your Nhs GP to show you still need clomid.

It'd be about £90 for an internal scan, which is how i think they normally diagnose it?

Chin up :)
I don't think that's very nice what the docs have said!!! I have pcos too and I went to the docs cos I didn't have a period after stopping the pill (I left it 6 months and then went). I was referred to a specialist who immediately decided I would have ovarian drilling and then also removed a tumour from my left ovary. He said that it would give me a good fertile window for 4/5 months (if I wanted to, he told me to be careful if I didn't want a baby) but basically said that if I wanted to conceive but couldn't then to go back when I wanted to and he would sort out meds.
I actually got pregnant two weeks after the operation in December. I have miscarried but that's besides the point really, they helped me straight away xx

Thank you princess for your reply, i'm sorry to hear of your loss:hugs: and i really appreciate you taking the time to give me advice. I did think she was very unhelpful, it sounds as though you have a great understanding doc, hmm I need to find me one of those! maybe it's worth seeking a 2nd opinion if my bloods come back that i'm not ovulating. I guess its just a waiting game as usual.xxxxx
Balls just did an essay of a reply and phone crashed :brat:
Louise is right about internal scans, that's the only thing that showed mine up cos I don't have the actual syndrome just the cysts and no ovulation.
My friend conceived her 2nd by follicle tracking so that may help.
Mine was all done nhs tho I considered going private at first. My gp and consultant were first class about the whole thing. Don't let some uninterested doc fob u off with a crappy response Hun, fight your corner x
I was diagnosed with PCOS last Feb & caught naturally that month.Unfortunately my baby was stillborn in Nov so want ttc again as soon as body has had time to recover from the section. I asked my GP what would happen now re- periods/ov ect, he said that sometimes once you have been preg it helps you get into a regular cycle so shouldnt need to go back to the clinnic. Now all I can do is wait to see if my periods become regular (before i could go months & not have one) & hope it happens again, but I am worried about what will happen if things stay the same, I dont know if I'll get referred back to the clinnic or if they will treat me now I've been to catch naturally.

Why is everything in life about waiting? AARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!! XX

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