Trying to conceive after 2 years of amenorrhea


Feb 2, 2008
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Hi all,

Nice to meet you all; I'm new to the forum.

Just some background information first; in October 2005 I lost a lot of weight, about a stone and a half, before my wedding in March 2006. Up until December 23rd 2007, I hadnt had a period at all. My husband and I decided we wanted to start a family but having put weight back on and generally being healthy, my periods hadnt come back.

This obviously worried me, as I felt it would affect my fertiltiy, so after months of being messed around before by, well, useless practice nurses, a doctor finally suggestesd a drug called Clomid that essentially stimulates your body to naturally produce the hormones to make you ovulate regulalry again.

On December 23rd 2007, I had my first period in 2 years :D . Having read all the usual info, my husband and I started 'trying' from a few days after the period finished, and continued to do so every day for the next few weeks, give or take a few days (to rest!). Although I know my body is only just getting back to normal, ovulation-wise, I have yet to have another period. I've done two Boots tests (one today, one a week ago, and both in the morning) that were both negative. I am due to go to the doctors on Thursday coming to confirm this, but I dont know whether I could be pregnant (would be lucky, on the first try!), or if the drug didnt work and I need to keep taking it to keep ovulating :wall: . Has anyone else out there had to have this drug? I'm curious about other peoples experiences.

I'm been having what could be read as early pregnancy symptoms - sever headaches, dizziness, nausea at things I usually love (tea especially!), and senstive to smell, tender boobs, spotty face and back - but not sure if these are pregnancy symptoms or just my body's way of telling me its getting back to normal. Anyone else out there experienced anything like this?

I'd love to hear form any of you, with similar experiences or from anyone who can offer some advice. Like I said, I have an appointment booked this week (with the nurse, not doctor as fully booked, so have a feeling I'll be fobbed off), so maybe some answers will come of that.

Thanks for any advive you can give :wave:
:wave: Hi I have no experience of this but just want to say Hi, welcome and Good Luck TTC :wave:
hi welcome and good luck..... i hope someone can help you :hug:
Hi and welcome!

re your symptoms, pregnancy symptoms are very similar to the 'symptoms' the body naturally experiences during the luteal (post-ovulatory) phase - in the luteal phase, as in pregnancy, there is a higher level of progesterone in the body and it is the effects of this hormone that are felt as symptoms.

That's one of the reasons why so many of us genuinely symptom-spot each month, hoping we might be pregnant, and actually feeling nauseous, tender, emotional, etc.

Regardless of the length of your cycle, you can expect your period approx 12-16 days after ovulation. So if you have a 28-day cycle, you ovulate around day 14, if 35 days, around day 21, etc.

You don't say when you started Clomid, but it's highly likely that your cycles will be a little longer than usual to start with, and then will settle down to a more regular pattern. It sounds as though you may have ovulated, and therefore be in the luteal phase at the moment. You can use ovulation prediction kits (OPKs) to monitor ovulation, check your fertility signs for approaching ovulation, or take your temperature every day (another effect of progesterone is to increase your basal body temp immediately after ovulation) to check you have ovulated - see the chart stalkers thread for further info/join us (and for free charting software).

Fingers crossed you caught the egg, but if not, it does sounds as though you've resumed ovulation, so you've a better chance of catching it next month!

As for Clomid, it's often prescribed for those with PCOS - if you google 'polycystic ovarian syndrome', it shoudl come up with the support website which (from memory) gives quite a lot of info about the drug. Good luck!
Hi all,

Sorry to take so long to respond, and thank you so much for your advice. Just been the doctors and was told that yes, I could likely have longer cycles now I've started ovulating again, so I might not necessarily have missed a period.

I need to wait till 16th Feb (when my next period is due, apparently), and keep doing HPT's, and if the tests are negative and I still havent had a period, I need to get some more Clomid. But I was told that one course is quite sufficient to make you have regular cycles again....

I was then told (again) that it can take up to 2 years to conceive and not to get my hopes up that is has happened the first time trying - soooo didnt want to hear that!! Oh well, I'll keep you updated on my progress through the next few (agonisingly slow!) weeks!!


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