Trying to conceive, Am I pregnant?


New Member
Jan 29, 2011
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Hi, I'm unsure and need a bit of advice.

I had my period on the 11th Jan 2011 and finished on the 16th. I started my pack of pills as normal on the friday which was the 14th Jan. On the 18th and 19th I didnt take my pills and had unprotected sex on the 19th. I didnt take any pills from then on.

Two days after the 19th when we had unprotected sex I had a "fake period" which lasted about 4-5 days. One of those days we had unprotected sex and again about a week after not taking my pill at all.

My fiance and I would be delighted if we were pregnant, I've taken two tests already and they were negative but I realise its still early and need to check again around the time of the next period. If it turns out I'm not pregnant then obviously I will need to speak with my doctor about my pill so we can discuss me and my fiance trying for a baby.

I'm just wondering if anyone could help or just give me a bit of advice whilst I wait until I either get my period or not and can see a docotor. Thanks
your 'fake period' started 3 days after you stopped the pill so I would expect that to be a withdrawal bleed, just like you'd have between pill packets. It may have been light as you'd had less than a week of pills since the last one. Personally I'd start my counting from that point and suggest you may be a few days earlier in your cycle than you think...

Good luck
Wait and see if you get your period. If not then take another test. A doctor wont tell you, they will tell you to wait. They are very annoying like that!
I agree with starfish hunny, wait and see if your af shows up. The docs wont do anything till your late x x

I agree with star fish and M2A Hun .. Try waiting it out xx


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