True /False game convinced he will be big, dont help with all the "your big" comments and the shock look on peoples faces when i say ive still ten weeks left.

the next person has just ate too much dinner
False - my dinner is still in the oven...

The next person is going to have a bubble bath tonight.
True- since being pregnant I love bubble baths more than ever-they are ace and get rid of aches and pains!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

The next person has bought too many maternity clothes just beacuse she likes shopping and being pregnant is a good excuse to shop!!!! :cheer:
false- i havent bought ANY maternity clothes :rotfl:

the next person is craving freeze pops
TRUE. I bought loads of maternity underwear and trousers :dance:

The Next person can't wait to lose weight :rotfl:
True..not so much for vanity, i just want to be able to exercise & breathe again!

The next person has found pregnancy has given them awful wind! :oops: :rotfl:
False... my husband does enough of that for the both of us :rotfl:

The next person dyes their hair!
False - I used to, but then I realised my hair looked much healthier and shinier without any help.

The next person has not got jiggy with it since their BFP.
False - I've been jiggy with it :)

The next person has had better skin since being preggers
True!! Pregnancy is always great for my skin, i keep getting compliments :D

Thenext person has had just had a random crying fit for no reason! damn those hormones :shakehead:
False, my hormones dont seem any different

The next person wants a boy?
true - i have my boys name chosen so this would make life easier :lol: although everyone is convinced its a girl, i will be happy either way though really

the next person is gettin fed up of clothes not fitting
Very - shops have their tall sections next to their maternity sections - did no one think that I might be tall and pregnant :x

The next person has done a pregnancy test even though their in 3rd tri
LOL false, and anyone who did is seriously crazy!!

the next person hasnt made a final decision on a name yet
False - we had chosen a name before we even knew she was a girl :)

The next person is looking forward to sampling Rusks when baby is weaning :cheer:
:D True - I love Rusks!

The next person would like to get 'jiggy' with their OH and it not be awkward and uncomfortable.
True - he has a major 'bump' issue at the mo, and its driving me insane!

the next person thinks their midwife is crap?
False - midwife is great

The next person is counting down the days till they finish work?
(hope this one hasn't already come up)
false i dont work at the moment..........but i am counting the days when i will be going back to work, i cant wait looking at september.

the next person has finished the nursery
true..all done -Phew!

The next person wants to give birth in next few weeks - screw due date!

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