Trouble with the neighbours :o(


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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I live in a housing association flat, we have upstairs neighbours and neighbours to one side of us. But we dont have a joining hallway, we have our own front doors into our houses. Okay anyway....

Saturday around 5pm upstairs neighbour puts on his music, it had a really heavy base, and I wasnt feeling well anyway, so this made me 10 times worse. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and let upstairs play their music, thinking it would only last a couple of hours. It lasted till 8.15pm at this time I was trying to get my 2 year old off to sleep, he wouldnt go because of the music and by this time I had a massive headache. My OH turned up because he had been at his mums. I asked OH to look after my son while I knocked on upstairs and asked them to turn it lower. I went outside, rang upstairs doorbell twice because they werent answering. I told the guy that answered that my son was screaming his head off because he wont go to sleep because of the music and asked him to turn it lower. I could tell from the blokes face he wasnt happy. I went back into my house and started to sort out my son. The music was still on. 10 seconds later the bloke upstairs rings my doorbell. OH answers the door, dont think my neighbour was counting on that. The bloke says to OH ill talk to u but im not talking to her, pointing at me.
Basicly to cut a long story short, the man got very aggressive and said that he can play his music till 10pm I over heard this to told him that he can play his music but not loudly, reminding him we are in a blokck of flats and there are people below him. I said I was 4 months pregnant with a splitting headache and a screaming 2 year old that wont go to sleep because of his loud music. The neighbour then tried stepping into my house and started swearing at me. I was holding my son at the time. My OH shut the front door leaving them both outside. I was inside with my son trying to get him not to repeat wot my neighbour had just said. arrgghh. My neighbour told my OH that he had been watching us and listening to us and knows everything about our relationship. He said that i have been having all night house partys (lol i wish that was true) when OH isnt around and the neighbour said that when zack wakes up at 2am screaming (after hes had a nightmare i might add) he said him and his g/f were going to come down and complain. (my upstairs neighbours are going to have a baby his g/f is 8 months pregnant, if they feel liek that, then id love to see how they cope with a baby) Anyway my OH was very calm about things and the guy went back upstairs.
The thought that my neighbour has been watching us and knows about our relationship scarys me, I have already put in for a transfer because we need and bigger place so OH can live with us and so baby has a room. Im going to write a letter to my housing association telling them what has happend, including all the info of what has been said. But im scared upstairs will make things up about me.

What should I do?

Sorry its long :?
Oh gosh what a tosser :(

Sod the letter hunny get down to the association tomorrow & have them get it down on paper there and then.

I know it's hard to say it but don't let this guy scare you, scum bags like him are usually all mouth & all they can get away with is verbal abuse - Don't react to it, not to his eye anyway.

If out of ANYTHING he said there was any hint of threats go into your local police station before visiting the housing association.

If his music goes as loud as it does again ring the police they usually have some thing that records the waves of the music or something – I know this because they did it to me a while back lol :oops: Thing with me was I was in a semi-detached an the one neighbor I had wasn’t bothered & although it wasn’t bellowing over the street they still done it as it was past X o’clock.
Cheers hun. Hes only gone and put the music on again arrgghhh after all that last night. I'll give him the fact he has turned it a notch lower. Im gonna have to do something about it. Theres noway im going to ask them to turn it down again tho. I dont want to come across as a hormonal wreck if I went down to the housing association, because I know id just end up crying :?
Hun I work for the local council (I'm an antisocial behaviour officer dealing with this sort of thing) there is no specified time as to when you can make noise til...anything that causes people nuisance,alarm or distress is asb, and is not tolerated. I would approach your housing assosc, who will liaise with your local council (as they have the powers and facilities to investigate neighbour disputes and problems).

Under new asb laws there is NO 9 or 10 o'clock watershed when u can make loud noise up until, it doesn't exist...

Let me know how u get on! :wink:
K X said:
Hun I work for the local council (I'm an antisocial behaviour officer dealing with this sort of thing) there is no specified time as to when you can make noise til...anything that causes people nuisance,alarm or distress is asb, and is not tolerated. I would approach your housing assosc, who will liaise with your local council (as they have the powers and facilities to investigate neighbour disputes and problems).

Under new asb laws there is NO 9 or 10 o'clock watershed when u can make loud noise up until, it doesn't exist...

Let me know how u get on! :wink:

Thanks that has cheered me up no end. Am going to send off a letter to my housing assosc tomorrow, hopefully that will get things sorted.

Cheers for your replys ladies, I was a bit unsure wot to do. xx
I didn't know that about the time thing! Does make sense though just because your BOOMING your music at 5PM it doesn't mean it's not disturbing someone else! :D

Good luck hun too :pray:
Ive had bother with noisy neighbours and the police gave me a number for our councils anti social behaviour place. They will come out any time (doesnt have to be nightime) and moniter the noise and give the person a warning etc then action will be taken. Give them a call. Every place differs but at the end of the day its anti social.
The police though can confiscate the stereo and if you feel threatened then you should definately call them.
I hate these people with no consideration.
We're going through similar with a bunch of Polish immigrants (about 20 of them) that have moved into a house across the road. They think it's acceptable to have street parties and football matches at 2am, and they don't understand English :evil: .All the neighbours have been asked to keep a nuisance diary, so we can eventually take civil action against the landlord (we're all mostly owner occupiers).

We can phone the police every time there's an incident, but all the police can do is send them back inside and they're back out 10 minutes later. You can see everybody filling in their diaries in the windows with really evil grins - 'we'll get you, you b******s'.
so they arent 'n'ice' poles' then?

What the hell are 20 of them doing in a house?
That horrible TracyM.

Really upsets me when the neighbours dont care about anyone else but themselves. :cry:
Violet glow, are your electric supplies in a shared area? when we used to live in a flat, the electric and water supplies could be switched off from the hallways :wink: Try keeping a nuisance diary so if it carries on, you'll have something to show the housing association. It's good because it helps you feel like your doing something instead of just listening to the racket.

There's 20 of them in the house because the owner of the chicken factory owns it and imports his workers and buys up old guest houses for them to live in. It's the same house some of the Morecambe Bay chinese cockle pickers were living in - at least they were quiet and respectful though.
Ive sent off a letter to my housing thing today, hopefully they will be a ble to help. Ive put in for a transfer anyway, so I guess its a case of just wait and see. Good idea about keeping a diary.. (gets notepad and pen out) hehe just waiting for them to do something now so I can write in it.

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