Trouble getting a good scan if you're overweight?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I got the date for my 12 week scan today and was super excited, however after reading through the letter they sent, it says it can be difficult to get a clear scan if you're overweight and if this is the case they would have to do a vaginal scan (eeep!). I am overweight, but not too much. I do carry alot of the weight around my middle though (I fall into the 'apple shaped' catergory) and am concerned that the scan won't be clear :eh:

Also, will they do anything else at the scan, like take blood, weight etc?
Sounds ridiculous, but my OH will be coming to the scan with me and I don't want him to know how much I weigh!!!
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They took me into a separate room before my scan to be weighed, and left my OH in the waiting room. I can't remember if they weighed me at both scans though or just the 20 week one. And I don't think you'll have any problems with being able to see your baby clearly on the scan - if you're overweight it can make taking the measurements a bit more difficult, but internal scans aren't as awful as they sound (and you don't need to have a full bladder for them which is so much nicer :rofl:)

Hope it goes well! :yay:
When I had my scan the sonographer told me that some ladies who are overweight dont get such a good pic, I think she was talking about severely obese women though - my sister in law who performs scans on high risk pregnancies also told me that is a woman is severly overweight she asks the consultant to perform the scan :)
my 7 wk scan was vaginal as they just could not get a clear pic thru the blubber im due a scan in about 2 weeks il let you know if that has to be done that way too as im very big on my tum tbh tho to get a clear pic they can stick it where they like lols
iv never been weighed at scans befor only in clinic
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Thank you so much for posting this! This is one of my worries! Hopefully mine will be alright as I am not MASSIVE on my tummy... but I am so petrified! Even though Hubby and I talk about everything, he has no idea what I weigh! I would be horrified. xx
I carry a bit of extra weight (size 16) but didn't have any problems at the 12 week scan at all, all the measurements were done no problem and I got to see everything on screen very clearly! I think Rosie's Mummy is right when she says it's really only a problem for very obese women. As for being weighed, I haven't been weighed at either of my scans, in fact I was only weighed at my first midwife appointment and haven't got on the scales since! They did take blood after my 12 scan as part of the NT test, but other than that there wasn't anything thing else!
when i went for my dating scan they took some bloods from me aswell but that's because i get my general care from that hospital rather than midwife clinic etc. so you may just have the scan! i think they take your weight and height at the initial first one hour appointment with a midwife where you get your green notes and go through your circumstances, medical history, which hospital you're going to, breastfeeding etc. (they did this with me anyway!)

i think your scan will be ok, just drink PLENTY of water and have a fullish uterus before you go in as it is a lot clearer

hope this helps hun and good luck :D xxxx
Thanks ladies, you've made me feel much more comfortable about going for the scan. I'm size 16, and to be honest I didn't really care about being on the curvy side before I fell pregnant, I was perfectly happy the size I was, but since finding out about the pregnancy I've been far more aware of it, especially as the doctors always have something to say about it! I'll let you know how it goes when the time comes around :)
I didn't think size 16 was majorly bad, it's a bit rude how doctors think they have something to say about it all the time! I would complain or be rude to them me if they said something like that >:eek:

can't wait to hear how scan goes hun xxxx
I was weighed after my scan but they didn't tell me my weight just my bmi and whether that was good or not. I'm not overweight but I do think that they mean severly obese women! x Most of my doctors have been a but podgy so don't think doctors have any reason to pick on someone who's just a little overweight!
I'm a size 16 also and didn't think much about it til I got pregnant!
i was weighed after my scan but they didn't tell me my weight just my bmi and whether that was good or not. I'm not overweight but i do think that they mean severly obese women! X most of my doctors have been a but podgy so don't think doctors have any reason to pick on someone who's just a little overweight!

so true! That's what i was thinking.. I've read so many threads on here where girls feel really self concious about their weight because their doctor/midwife has said.. They're supposed to be there to assure you everything is going to be ok not make you obsess over stuff! I feel complaints are in order!

Just enjoy being pregnant everyone, this is the one time you don't need to worry appearences, what you're eating (well to an extent.. No runny eggs or prawns! Waaah :( ) and even what you weigh! I've been told my bmi once during my pregnancy so it must not be such a big deal otherwise they'd keep checking it right?

I hope this makes you feel better girlies. I'm appauled at some of the things i hear midwives saying! Xxx
My weight hasn't been mentioned at all, I was weighed at my booking app but haven't been weight since, was told my bmi was a bit too high (I'm a real short arse which doesn't help!) but that was it.

The only thing you might notice is something written in your notes after the scan, my scan went very well, everything was measured fine and the images were lovely and clear. I noticed afterward though that the sonographer had written the images were not optimal due to patient habitus, which I later learned was her basically saying I was overweight. It wasn't mentioned during the scan and the sonographer didn't say she was having any difficulty, so that peed me off a little bit, but after reading about it, I realise now that it's more to do with covering their owns arses than anything else!
hehe you sound like me!! Are you going to WSH? I have my 12 week scan there on Monday 12th. I was weighed at my booking in and my partner saw it on my notes...grrrr.
Good luck xxx
Thanks ladies, you've made me feel much more comfortable about going for the scan. I'm size 16, and to be honest I didn't really care about being on the curvy side before I fell pregnant, I was perfectly happy the size I was, but since finding out about the pregnancy I've been far more aware of it, especially as the doctors always have something to say about it! I'll let you know how it goes when the time comes around :)

Well I'm a couple of sizes bigger then you and I've had no problems thankfully! Was very worried myself but the images on the screen was crystal clear. My 1st scan piccy wasn't that clear but that was only coz the little sod pot wouldn't keep still haha xx
I'm a size 18 - slowly creaping to size 20 trousers lol!

My 12 week scan was incredibly clear! My 20 week scan was a blur as LO wouldn't stay still! My attempt to make sure he/she was awake by drinking LOADS of ice cold water worked a little too well! Haha!

I'm sure it'll be fine! As long as they can do their checks then I wouldn't worry x
hehe you sound like me!! Are you going to WSH? I have my 12 week scan there on Monday 12th. I was weighed at my booking in and my partner saw it on my notes...grrrr.
Good luck xxx

Yeah mine will be at WSH on 6th May :) Are you in bury then? I'll be sure to keep my notes hidden from him! Thank you xxx
I ask midwife about this yday and she said that there really shouldnt be any problems scanning me (size 18) they generally only have problems with very overweight women... i am still nervous about it though! x
hehe you sound like me!! Are you going to WSH? I have my 12 week scan there on Monday 12th. I was weighed at my booking in and my partner saw it on my notes...grrrr.
Good luck xxx

Yeah mine will be at WSH on 6th May :) Are you in bury then? I'll be sure to keep my notes hidden from him! Thank you xxx

Had my scan hun, it was quite clear, the sonographer was reali nice and gave us a few piccies. The first thing they do when u first get called is they take u to the corridoor to get weight and height done. SO tell ur hubby U dont need him with u for that, thats wot I did lol. My bmi 34 so she said I have to go back to hosp at 24weeks and have a glucose tolerance test for diabetes. My next scan at 20 weeks on 11th June. Good luck xxxxxxx
P.s Im in Stowmarket xx

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