Trouble at work, can anyone offer advice?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Firstly, I apologise for the long post.
I started my current job in January this year. When I started it was clear that there were a few issues with some staff members (a lot of personality clashes, put it that way) as well as issues with the manager. After a few months of working there, I was told my manager was "moving on" and that we would be getting somebody new. It was coming to the end of my 6 month probation period and I was told I would have my review and that the new manager would be doing it. The new manager extended my probation period by 2 months, saying it was purely because she was new and hadn't seen my work performance etc. However, I wasn't given anything in writing.
When I found out I was pregnant, I told my support manager quite soon (when I was about 7 weeks) because my morning sickness was horrendous. Due to the sickness I had about three days off sick. I'm only a part-timer and work 2 days per week, so this was quite a lot of sickness in a short space of time, but at one point I was almost hospitalised because I couldn't keep anything down. I should also mention at this point that I had worked way beyond my extended probation period and nothing had been mentioned so I assumed my position was permanent.

Now, I don't want to give too much away as this is a public forum, but my role involves me being on my feet all day and rushing around like a blue-arsed fly. I very rarely get a lunch break, let alone a tea break. I have asked on numerous occasions for help, and been told I would have a second person to work alongside (I am basically doing the job of two people currently), and have had help once or twice but that's it.

My support manager took me aside a couple of weeks ago and mentioned a couple of errors I had made and that "I'm telling you because you have your review next week so it needs to be sorted out" in rather a malicious tone, basically threatening me. I almost burst into tears in front of her but held it together and said I had been asking for help constantly and had not received it. She said, these exact words: "Well if you don't like it here you can go."
Obviously I was horrified at how unprofessional and unsympathetic she was, but tried to swallow it and carry on. I was also very surprised at hearing I had a review due, as, like I said, my probation period ended in July!
The day came and went, and still no review. They seem to be a highly unorganised couple of managers.

Right, now I am into the second trimester, the sickness has gone so I have been working hard. However I have had some severe round ligament pain recently that has caused me to double over in pain, as well as some spotting. I've been checked/had scan and all is ok, but this morning I called in sick because of it. Knowing I'll get no breaks at work and not wanting to risk anything. My manager said "well, I'm gonna need a doctors note because this (absenteeism) is becoming frequent." - very cold, no wishing me well or anything like that. I hung up and just sobbed. I feel so miserable at this place and feel like they keep threatening to sack me without directly saying it. I've received no support in my role, despite it being requested and agreed to numerous times, and there are many other issues that I won't go into on here.

Now that's out of the way (and thanks if you've read through it all!) my questions is; if they do sack me, do I have any rights at all? My probation technically ended in July, but I've had nothing on paper offering me a permanent contact. If they sack me, it will be because of the pregnancy/sickness, but I know they'll make up something else so as not to seem heartless or get themselves into trouble. I'm at the end of my tether with it all but can't afford to be jobless. I wish I could take maternity leave now!
They cannot treat you like this. I'll find the page on and show you it, you need to nip this in the bud before it causes too much stress.
If there's nothing in writing about your probation being extended or whatever, then I would assume that after your initial 6 month probation (assuming you did get that bit in writing) you have the same rights as anyone else who's been working at the company for as long as you. At best, they sound disorganised and at worst, they're being fucking shady. Either way, make sure you read up on those links posted above - and anything else to gather information - and find out where you stand. Book an appointment with CAB and take your work contract with you when you go. Do this all now before things get any worse. Oh, and keep a written record of any changes in your employer's attitude towards you (i.e. any evidence that you're being discriminated against due to your pregnancy) so you don't forget something important.
tbh there not out of order for asking for a doctors note because some women do use the pregnancy card to have off work willly nilly, but I will warn you I was a plumber working with chemicals with extream sickness and worried about the heavy lifting and went to the dr and was basically told to man up, and he was right! I went back and worked hard, its hard but whats the difference from been sick at home and at work unless there are no toilets, I was throwing up in bins at peoples houses, but it had to be done really. It will soon pass and you will be on maternity leave. I would ask about your contract or send them a letter asking for it, be up front don't wait for them to come to you ask them, they might give you one, they shouldn't sack you due to pregnancy but they can if you refuse to get dr notes and keep having off so just go to the dr next time your sick xx
They cannot demand a sick note until your sickness has lasted 7days in a row. They also can't take any pregnancy related sickness into account on your sickness record.

I'm not sure about all the other things, but I would say they are walking on dangerous ground, have they done a risk assessment etc?
tbh there not out of order for asking for a doctors note because some women do use the pregnancy card to have off work willly nilly, but I will warn you I was a plumber working with chemicals with extream sickness and worried about the heavy lifting and went to the dr and was basically told to man up, and he was right! I went back and worked hard, its hard but whats the difference from been sick at home and at work unless there are no toilets, I was throwing up in bins at peoples houses, but it had to be done really. It will soon pass and you will be on maternity leave. I would ask about your contract or send them a letter asking for it, be up front don't wait for them to come to you ask them, they might give you one, they shouldn't sack you due to pregnancy but they can if you refuse to get dr notes and keep having off so just go to the dr next time your sick xx

I'm not using the pregnancy card for time off work. I work in a very busy surgery, and to throw up in the sink in front of patients would be terrible! I simply can't run out to the toilets every half hour.

Thanks for all your replies. I'll definitely look into the legal side of things a bit more. x
Hi Laura
Sorry that your workplace is so stressful.
Having been though two lots of bullying my advice would be this, if they have demonstrated that they are incompetant and willing to engage in unprofessional behaviour this is exactly how they will behave if you challenge it, in fact its likely that this will get worse. Its not right nor legal but this is what tends to happen and therefore if you can try to go over them as soon as you can , if you can dont mention the probabtion extension as if your contract states that its six months then its six months dont allow them the capacity to retract that by raising it. Its likely that they will try ti intimidate you now to try to get you to leave becuase theyve realised what your rights are. If you have meetings and they say you are allowed to bring an advocate i strongly recomend you bring someone external to the compnay such as the citeXens advice becuase this will force them to moderate their behaviour. Talk to the citizens advice early if you can.

Hold on and try not to have discussions without a minute taker or a witness. and good luck it might all settle down but be prepared for these unprofessional people to behave worse.
So sorry that this is happening for you. Hope you feel better and things calm down. Look after yourself.
big hugs Daisy
tbh there not out of order for asking for a doctors note because some women do use the pregnancy card to have off work willly nilly, but I will warn you I was a plumber working with chemicals with extream sickness and worried about the heavy lifting and went to the dr and was basically told to man up, and he was right! I went back and worked hard, its hard but whats the difference from been sick at home and at work unless there are no toilets, I was throwing up in bins at peoples houses, but it had to be done really. It will soon pass and you will be on maternity leave. I would ask about your contract or send them a letter asking for it, be up front don't wait for them to come to you ask them, they might give you one, they shouldn't sack you due to pregnancy but they can if you refuse to get dr notes and keep having off so just go to the dr next time your sick xx

I'm not using the pregnancy card for time off work. I work in a very busy surgery, and to throw up in the sink in front of patients would be terrible! I simply can't run out to the toilets every half hour.

Thanks for all your replies. I'll definitely look into the legal side of things a bit more. x

No no im not saying you are but some do x
I'll pm u, it may take a while to write tho! Xx
Babe, am actually 6month pregnant and believe when I tell you my sickness havent gone yet, I work in public sector where am on my feet most of times, I have this manager that wants work like robot and on my case. she even put me in performance review while on pregnant as well saying my performance is slow and if anyone ask me to do something, dont feel like want to do it.

I have a nerve break down once and get confused up after finding my dad got cancer, fed up of hubby and his laws stress. child was sick couldn't have time to tell a manager (basically never had chance) and was given final warning. should done an appeal but the company takes the piss for waiting the verdict.

i found out the only reason why shes on my case due to sickness, I nearly went to hospital due lack of dehydration and not eating properly. Ive asked, for weekend off due hubby flying and moving back to my parents and cant get it off nor change my shift

I simply dont know what to do for myself as well. the girl that was pregnant b4 me, had it easy, getting away with everything no one told her off, few others work diff role having it all easy as well..simply asking myself why me to this? like someone said previous you have man up and do the work.
like someone said previous you have man up and do the work.

I completely disagree with this comment. Legislation to protect pregnant women is there for a reason. 'Manning up' is NOT a realistic expectation.
I think it depends, by manning up I just stopped thinking about it all the time and concentrated on my work and it worked, I think it was a mental thing for me feeling run down and it will go on forever but I thought its only a few months if I just get my head down and it went quicker from there x
I agree with what has already been said - you've had no written confirmation that your probationary review was extended therefore ended after the initial 6 months. To not notify you in writing is - I'm pretty sure will be - against your policies and procedures. Secondly - a probationary review is based on your performance - it is not your problem that your manager left without signing you off and your manager can't expect you to take that as a reasonable reason to extend a probationary period. It should have been down to someone else (her manager) to carry out the review if she felt she wasn't able to due to the duration of time she had worked with you.

As for the sickness thing - don't you have a policy for sickness where you hit trigger points? And has that been followed? On top of this, they can't penalise you for pregnancy related's more than her job is worth to do that. If she continues I would simply ignore her and speak to her manager and ask to put a grievance in against her xx
Thinking off you Hun,I went through bullying following a miscarriage/ fertility struggle. I left in the end, couldn't handle the stress and it was the best thing I did. Definately report it though. They wanted me out as a part time employee wth new priorities in life wasn't good enough for their high expectations. Saw my day though as the bullies got exposed but they never did get sacked

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