Triple test ???


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2008
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I said to my midwife that I did not want the triple test and she has booked me an appointment for monday and said if I dont want it she will just do another antinatal, now im not sure what to do, has everybody else had the triple test???
i refused it too, wouldn't have an amnio or termination so no point.

just had my 20 week scan and my next midwife appointment at 24 weeks as normal.

We didn't have one either. I didn't get another appointment though - our last one was at 16 weeks and the next one isn't until 28 weeks.
Ive just turned 20 so it is not a very high chance I dont know why midwifes have to be so pushy they just make us all worry even more
I am also rhesus neg so an amnio could be very dangerous
i didnt have it with my son and wished i hadnt had it with my daughter because the waiting for results killed me and like the other lady said it wouldnt have made any difference anyway but i felt as though i was pushed into due to my age
I had the quadruple tests done, Im 34 and hubby is nearly 41 and we wanted to know the risk. Luckily the results came back as very low risk, would have them done again next time though!
sorry god im going to sound stupid, what is it ? i've tried googling but it doesnt make things any clearer, it says its a blood test, but i had one of them for downs at 12 weeks
claire_louise said:
sorry god im going to sound stupid, what is it ? i've tried googling but it doesnt make things any clearer, it says its a blood test, but i had one of them for downs at 12 weeks

Found this when I googled.......basically all the tests are for Downs, but done at different times (I personally had to have the quadruple as missed the timings for the others as was living in France until I was 15 weeks).

Between 11-14 weeks a nuchal scan and combined blood tests can be used to screen to see whether your baby is likely to have Down's syndrome. By looking at both you are likely to have a more accurate result.

Between 15 - 20 weeks a double, triple or quadruple test can be used. The difference between these tests is the number of substances called markers that are looked for in your blood. Markers are indicators of the condition.

Hope that helps....
Snooky said:
i refused it too, wouldn't have an amnio or termination so no point.

just had my 20 week scan and my next midwife appointment at 24 weeks as normal.


Ditto :D

Don't be pushed into anything hun :hug:
I had them done last week, they check the chances of downs, spina bifada and something else - i can't remember (doh, baby brain! :wall: ).

I'm not sure what we'd do, but I always like to know everything about everything so want to be as informed as possible. My MW said I would still have had an appointment between 15-18 weeks anyway, whether I opted for them or not. Only difference is I get an additional one in a couple of weeks' time to discuss results.

It's personal choice tbh but don't feel pressured one way or t'other, x
I refused to have the amnio my mid wife was very understanding. I've had the bloods which I haven't had the reuslts for yet and the nucal test last week. I'd managed not to worry about it right until the day, then burst in to tears as she started to measure the fluid. Luckily we're in the low risk bracket. I really don't think I could deal with the worry of the further tests, and doubt I would have the strength to go through a termination if it was necessary.
thank you EllieBelle

basically i'd say to anyone, dont let anyone push you into something you dont want, its your baby and your life :hug: :hug:
I agree its personal choice, I refused it too - its just not for me
i agreed to it on the 12 week blood test they did only because in all honesty the way they put it everyone had it done, it was only when i hadmy 16 week appointment and the midwife commented on the results did i realise it didnt have to be done.

either way the results wouldnt have bothered me and i did make that clear to begin with
i had the triple blood test done (im 31 so wanted to know what risks my age may have brought)
the midwife who did the test said if my result was high risk then they would book me in for the amnio the week later,i never had any intention of having this done regardless of my result,i just wanted the bloods so i could get my percentage of risk back.i would never have terminated regardless of the result but felt if i was advised there was a high risk i could prepare myself if that makes sense?
i was abit crafty i suppose as i feel i have the peace of mind the blood tests have brought (although im aware even those are not 100%) if i had refused point blank at the midwife appt i was not ever going to have the amnio i feel she would have have wanted to do the bloods!
EllieBelle said:
I had the quadruple tests done, Im 34 and hubby is nearly 41 and we wanted to know the risk. Luckily the results came back as very low risk, would have them done again next time though!

what were your results if you dont mind me asking elliebelle?? x
I refused the screenings.

My sister did the exact same thing as you, Clairebear. She also wanted the opportunity to prepare herself but had no intention of agreeing to an amino or a termination.
crafty eh!? :rotfl:
lol! i just felt that was right for me,i wanted some reassurance but knew even if the result came back high risk i was not going to be pushed into having the amnio.
I declined them what will be will be and I don't want to spend the while pregnancy worrying about percentages

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