Tri 3

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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So much activity here at the moment..i wonder if its coz the babies from the boom time are now due and a lot of us have finished work?

anyway, so so nice to all be here together in the final part..labour watches and general support and advice.

u girls are the best :love: :love: xxx
I posted earlier I think it's because it's a full moon week :)

I think you ladies are just all a chatty bunch :p x
It's nice cos it is never quiet even at 4am lol i would be proper insane with out u lot

It is lovely having everyone going through things's like our own soap opera with all the drama and action going all the chat and support :love:
:hug: I'm going to miss you girls when we've all popped. I really hope we're still on here, whether it's in the day or when we're doing a 4am feed!

I hope so too Olive :love:

There is so much going on here at the moment, I'm on the edge waiting for something to happen to me but at the same time I have this daunting feeling that I'm going to be in Tri3 forever :oooo: xxx
I love this place, i'm totally addicted and always checking in.
It's nice to share in the excitement and feel i'm not doing it all alone.
I love you ladies :love:
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I think you ladies are just all a chatty bunch :p x

i agree whole heartedly with this - tri 2 was an AWFUL lot quieter when you bunch all left on mass!! lol

you better not forget those of us who still have a few weeks to go. xxx
:hug: I'm going to miss you girls when we've all popped. I really hope we're still on here, whether it's in the day or when we're doing a 4am feed!


I feel an invasion of the baby and toddler section coming on!!

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