Tri 3 iSketch...


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
Reaction score
following on from when we used to do it in 2nd tri!!!

yes fothers its pilks lol

kelsey is that lisa?? cos she always moans lol...

this is my next one :lol:

you could have given me more attractive shoes...they look like a pair my bloody Nan would wear! :shakehead:
pilkers said:
you could have given me more attractive shoes...they look like a pair my bloody Nan would wear! :shakehead:

:rotfl: :moon: :moon:
pilkers said:
you could have given me more attractive shoes...they look like a pair my bloody Nan would wear! :shakehead:
i think they are as good as her drawing skills get im afraid :rotfl: :rotfl:
Eblinx said:
pilkers said:
you could have given me more attractive shoes...they look like a pair my bloody Nan would wear! :shakehead:
i think they are as good as her drawing skills get im afraid :rotfl: :rotfl:

:talkhand: :talkhand: :talkhand: :shakehead:

:D :rotfl:
Kimbo said:
Eblinx said:
pilkers said:
you could have given me more attractive shoes...they look like a pair my bloody Nan would wear! :shakehead:
i think they are as good as her drawing skills get im afraid :rotfl: :rotfl:

:talkhand: :talkhand: :talkhand: :shakehead:

:D :rotfl:

I dont know why im picking at your drawing skills to be honest, they are much better than mine! (can you imagine how bad mine must be?!) :rotfl: :rotfl:
:shock: and I've just noticed that I've got one giant eye!

Bloody charming! the only thing you missed out though was my horrible black chav roots *must visit hairdressers asap* :rotfl:
pilkers said:
:shock: and I've just noticed that I've got one giant eye!

Bloody charming! the only thing you missed out though was my horrible black chav roots *must visit hairdressers asap* :rotfl:

you're from blackburn ill let you off... were used to it round here :rotfl:
i thought you were holding a frisbee (sp?) and those mmm's were really rubbish birds but i now realise its a cucumber! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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