treatment of dads in the hospital?

I'm pretty sure at my hospital they have a box next to the tea & coffee machine & if a visitor wants a drink they just make a donation.
Steelgoddess said:
Hmmm thats odd at the hozzie im at they said when I start getting contractions OH will be called, also I thought when you get contractions you get taken down to the labour ward??? I could be wrong :think:

Home birth does not nessarily mean better birth and visa versa, we also need to be a bit considerate to those that ARE going in to be induced/ birth in hospital whom are nervous enough already without having to read how awful it may or may not be!! :roll:

im not meaning to scare anyone here whos having a hospital birth, i have got to have one now too, and i would be fine with it if i knew that anthony could get here when hes needed. I do realize alot of my worry is because of my own situation alot of people live loads closer to their hospital and theyre partners drive or public transport is easy to get too. so im just seeing things through what if that was me and anthony. the ladies that i have spoken too here have only ever said about that their OHs have been asked to leave and they will tell them as soon as they need to come back but as i say its very diffrent for me because if ant gets sent away and he goes home it could be 2days before he gets chance to get here also with no familly here it makes it even harder. Im sorry if this has upset anyone but situations are very diffrent and you have to consider your own and whats best for you. :hug: :hug: :hug:
nickilubs said:
Steelgoddess said:
Hmmm thats odd at the hozzie im at they said when I start getting contractions OH will be called, also I thought when you get contractions you get taken down to the labour ward??? I could be wrong :think:

Home birth does not nessarily mean better birth and visa versa, we also need to be a bit considerate to those that ARE going in to be induced/ birth in hospital whom are nervous enough already without having to read how awful it may or may not be!! :roll:

im not meaning to scare anyone here whos having a hospital birth, i have got to have one now too, and i would be fine with it if i knew that anthony could get here when hes needed. I do realize alot of my worry is because of my own situation alot of people live loads closer to their hospital and theyre partners drive or public transport is easy to get too. so im just seeing things through what if that was me and anthony. the ladies that i have spoken too here have only ever said about that their OHs have been asked to leave and they will tell them as soon as they need to come back but as i say its very diffrent for me because if ant gets sent away and he goes home it could be 2days before he gets chance to get here also with no familly here it makes it even harder. Im sorry if this has upset anyone but situations are very diffrent and you have to consider your own and whats best for you. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I think you need to have a chat with the middys etc and voice your concerns hon, I can understand you want OH there...

please also note I am EXTREMLY hormonal atm so take what i say with a pinch of salt (maybe some vinegar and add a few fries in there too)

And youch my back hurts...

:hug: :hug: Loveuxx
Steelgoddess said:
Hmmm thats odd at the hozzie im at they said when I start getting contractions OH will be called, also I thought when you get contractions you get taken down to the labour ward??? I could be wrong :think:

Home birth does not nessarily mean better birth and visa versa, we also need to be a bit considerate to those that ARE going in to be induced/ birth in hospital whom are nervous enough already without having to read how awful it may or may not be!! :roll:

If you are being induced there is a greater chance your contractions will be stronger and go closer together sooner than if you go into labour naturally. Depends what they use. Pessary or drip. Therefore your first stage won't build up as gradually, but possibly go full steam ahead. Of course it may go slower, impossible to know, but it is often the case its quicker :) Also being induced they will want to monitor you and baby etc so you are more likely to be taken to the labour ward sooner rather than later (also if it is quicker then you may well want IV pain relief sooner and have to be monitored then once you have an epi etc). Many women who labour naturally often spend a long chunk of their labour on the ward and only transfer to a delivery suite when X amount of cms dilated etc. So those that are labouring slowly often find themselves on the ward for a fair while and often as its overnight have to do so without company of their birthing partner.

And no, home birth doesn't necessarily mean a better birth. But IMHO it does allow you far more freedom of choice in some areas than you will ever have in hospital. That your birth partner can be with you throughout is one of those things. But in other areas then of course, homebirth does not have some of the things hospital does (medical aspect etc). People have to decide and balance for themselves what they would prefer. For most they usually opt for hospital because of the possibility of medical intervention being needed. But often they are unhappy about other aspects such as partners not being able to remain overnight. Its a case of what works for the individual :)

But its worth mentioning that many women have good birth experiences in hospital :) Its far from awful for most :)
I was lucky I had a great hopital in that respect with my other 3 (going to a different one this time :pray: Hoping things are just as good?)
He was asked if he would like to stay or go during the slower parts of the labour etc I was sending him home I remember at one point with Joseph! They never made him feel like he had to go even let him stay until well past 11pm at night! I was like "can you go now I wanna sleep" hahahaha
They gave him more brews and stuff than me!! :shock:
One of the reasons I'm hoping for a home birth is so that I can have DH with me at all times. I'm worried enough about the birth bit without the thought of being on my own while he's at home worrying about me. The other reason is that I really want our first night as a family to be spent all together..... I don't want to have a baby and then him have to go home a few hours later, I want us all to be together.

As I this point I'm still only 'hoping' for the home birth but knowing the restrictions on dad's time in the hospitals is one of those reasons I'm hoping it will happen for us

Because of the speed of my labour my OH kinda got ignored, but i had progressed so fast he wasn't needed to be tend to. As soon as i gave birth a tea lady came in and offered us both a cuppa, and me some toast. Then she brought me a food menu and asked if OH was gonna be around at lunch, which he was. So they offered him a sandwich. I chose my sandwich filling and he chose the meal off my menu. Food that day was :puke: They didn't offer any drinks though for the rest of the day. Fortunately i packed some drinks in the car so he didn't go thirsty. And i saved the cheese and biscuits and the banana for him too.

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