Monkei is in hospital-*update* baby is here!!!!

Update 3:

"Probs won't be home until babys born. My consultant is working this weekend so hopefully deliver then :) would be lovely to have her as its my great aunts birthday and my original due date xxx"

update 4:

bp has gone back up, so she is waiting for docs to one out of theatre so they can decide what todo. She is in a lot of pain due to the swelling and headaches. Apparently the hospital is short staffed so it's a bit frustrating for her I all she wants now is baby Maisie and to go home!
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Bless her... hope they're both ok and she can have her this weekend x
Awww :hug: hope u get your baby this weekend monkei. How frustrating for you :-( xxx
Baby Maisie:

is to be born today! monkei was booked for an elective on Tuesday, but due to bp and what not they will deliver today!

Will update you when I can!

OMG 1 hour to go til monkei meets maisie!!!! How exciting :love: best of bestest luck sweetie, cant wait to see pics of l/o!!!! :hug:
How exciting for her!Hope all goes well for you huni xxx

no baby yet as there was an emergency and she has been pushed back for another 30 mins!

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