Transition from moses basket to cot


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Im going to try this at the weekend. I didnt know whether to buy a travel cot to put in our room, try this and then introduce her to her own room. Her cot bed will have to be dismantled to come out her room and into ours. How can I make it as smooth as possible?
Hi hun

I dont really have any advice cos i just put both of my kids into their cot at night and they slept in moses basket during the day downstairs. They were both in their own room from the beginning aswell.

You could just try putting her down in her own cot tonight in her own room and see how u get on :hug:
With my first i was worried that she wouldn't settle in her cot so i put her moses basket inside her cot for a few nights and that seemed ok. With Aimee i just put her straight into her cot when she was about 4 weeks old. No problems at all, in fact she slept better. I think you will find she will be ok with it. I think its just us worrying all the time.
Yeah I think its me worrying more than her!!

Did you use monitors when you put them in their own room. We have the one that monitors their breathing, we havent used it yet as she is in our room. Her room is just across the landing do you think we should use it?
I've been putting Isaac in the moses basket inside the cot for his daytime naps, I don't do it everyday but a few days during the week I make sure I do so that he can get used to it.

I use the monitors when he's upstairs having his naps and when he goes to bed during the evening when we're still downstairs.

Everybody tells me it's much worse for us than it is for them when they move into their cots in their own room.

I think you should start with naps first then try at night, Kiara was just over 6 months the first time she went in so it was much harder getting her to sleep in it.
Good luck!!
hayden has slept in his nursery in the cot twice..what i did was in the day whenever i go in the nursery to put his clothes away/clean up etc i put him in his cot so he gets used to it and knows its a safe place.

the other night i put him in there after his bath coz i was looking for a new sleepsuit..he fell asleep in there so i left him and he didnt wake up till 8 in the morning!
its great coz he's too big for his moses basket now he thrashes around in there! he slept in there the next night too...but in his moses basket agian last night as it was cold in his nursery..heating broke!
We put Jacob in his cot in his own room when he was 8 weeks I think, but that was because he is a big baby and didn't fit in the basket anymore. We didn't have any problems in fact he slept better because he could spread out more. We have one of those breathing monitors too, don't be alarmed if it goes off in the night hun. We have had 2 alarms, both times I have ran into the room in a state of panic switching the light on to find him happily asleep but moved in his cot so that his body wasn't on the sensor bit.

I hope the move goes well for you, let us know how it goes.

how did it go eveadel?? I have chicked out so much with ellis and still SQUEEZING him in his basket!! :lol:

I keep saying to myself i'll move him when he sleeps through. At this rate i'll be squeezing him into it when he is five and getting him up for school from his basket!!! :rotfl:

i moved the moses basket from our room in to the cot bed, kept it like that for a week or so then put him in the cot bed, he looked SOOO tiny! but never had any problems
Well we have chickened out for the time being!!!!

We bought a travel cot yesterday and she went in it last night (in our room). It is too much hassle dismantling her cot to put it in our room. My DH is more worried about moving into her own room than me.

She looked really comfortable in there as she was able to stretch out but I did get up quite a few times to check on her. She managed to push herself up so she had only covers to her waist, then another time she was nearly horizontal. Tonight I am going to use a gro bag but how can I prevent her from moving about so much???

Keely how much is Ellis weighing now, Isabella was 11lb 10oz last Tuesday and was getting so big for her moses basket.
Hi Eveadel,

We moved Mia into her own cot about a week ago, as she was getting long for her moses basket, and it's only across the hall from us...and i have to say she has been sleeping so well, and now even has her daytime naps in there too. I find i sleep better too, and she is better with more room to move about.

Mia is just over 3 months now, and weighs 131b 3oz. I don't think there is much you can do about her moving about...a grobag will help, but Mia moves about quite a bit too and we put her teddy that is quite solid next to her and she sleeps up againist it and dosnt move as much

Hope the move goes well with her.

Amy xx
Ellis as 14 pound 11 last week, he puts on about just under a pound a week!! hehe little chunk!

I really wanna move him, so i might do it next monday as my mum has got him on sat.

how did she take to all the space in the travel cot??


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