Tragic News


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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As you are probably aware there were very high winds yesterday. We live by the coast so these winds were stronger than ever.

Last night when OH and I were eating our tea, we heard a horrific slam from the garden.

OH ran outside and our rabbit hutch had been blown over by the strong wind. Devastatingly when he lifted the hutch up our 4 month old kitten Tilly, had been crushed and killed by the hutch.

I am in pieces, words cannot describe the way im feeling right now.

As some of you are aware I am struggling to cope at the moment as it is. We are also being served our eviction notice next week and have decided to leave immediately as we cannot afford our next lot of rent, we are knee deep in debt and I feel we have no other choice. Im not prepared to stay there and run up bills/rent arrears we cannot pay.

Im staying at mums now, I feel so very down and need my mum so much at this time. We will be staying there until the Council can re house us. Obviously OH and I have a lot to do over the next few weeks getting the house cleared, and I have a lot to get my head round at the moment.

I feel like my whole world had come crashing down, we have no home to call our own as from next week and I have tragically lost one of the most closest things dear to my heart. All I want now is to be settled in a new home so I can prepare for my baby. I just wish my luck would change.

If im not on much/at all for the next few weeks you all know why.

Take care of yourselves, I love you all.

Jade x
aaawwwwww Jaidy. Things will get better hun...

Sorry for your loss.

Come here girl :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im lost for words hun, I hope that everything picks up for you soon..

RIP Tilly - run free at the bridge :cry:
Oh Jade, I really feel for you hun. :hug:

I can't say anything that will make the loss of Tilly go away, but I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you. The housing situation will get better for you babe, I'm proof of that. I know it's hard worrying about everything, but you will not be homeless, things will work out for you in the end. :hug: :hug: :hug:
that is so sad. i have cats in the family so i know how much they mean to a family. thinking of you.
Laura x
Oh Jade :( You poor thing, poor little Tilly.
Sending you a million hugs, I dunno what to say. you know where I am if you need to talk. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm so sorry Jaidy. That's so sad.
Sending hugs and thinking of you.
Im so sorry huni that is devestating :cry: i hope you are ok, im on msn if you need to talk to me

rip tilly :pray:
oh jade thats awful...

hope you get ur huose soon...

if you nede to talk you've got my number..

take care of you and bump xxx
Aw Jade, i dunno what to say apart from you know where i am if you ever need to talk hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww that's so sad :cry: :cry: I'd be in pieces too hon :hug: Hope things start getting better for you soon :hug: :hug:
Jaidy I am so sorry to hear that sad sad news :cry:

You seem to be having a challenging time at the mo' but I am a great believer that we are not faced with anything we are not strong enough to deal with and although its not clear at the time everything happens for a reason (I'm talking about the housing situation and not Tilly obviously).

It sounds like you have a wonderful relationship with your Mum and if there is anyone we need most in times like this then its our Mum isn't it?

Please try and think positive as our LO's can sense our moods I'm sure and I know my baby gets really quiet when I'm down. I was watching Oprah the other day and a lady who lost absolutely every possession she owned in the hurricane in New Orleans stood and said she realised that to live you need nothing as long as you have love and it really is true isn't it at the end of the day. You have your OH, baby and your Mum as well as the rest of your family and friends so at the end of the day all is ok. You also have us gals to whinge to whenever you want!

Sorry to have gone on and I hope you don't think I'm trivialising your situation because I'm not, it sounds awful and I really feel for you. Sending you a massive hug, Katt :hug:
Awww Jaidy how awful.

I hope you get a new place soon and start feeling better.

Hi Jade

Sorry to hear you are having a rough time of it. Things will get better. If you need anyone to talk too, just email.

At the beginning of this year I was having a rough time. I was ill with asthma, my daughter had suspected pheumonia, hubby was in a rubbish job, had loads of debt we could not pay and lived in a one bed damp flat. Since then we have declared ourselves bankrupt to get rid of the debts, not something I am proud of but enabled us to move to a two bed house as council would not house us. Me and Alice are now well, Hubby has a new job earning twice the amount and we are expecting a baby. Things can only get better when you feel like it cant get any worse. Just telling you this because it will get better. I felt like my life had ended but was only carrying on because of my daughter and now look. I couldnt be happier. When you feel like you have hit rock bottom, it will get better.

Your not on your own, just email.

Hannah XX
Ahhh Hun, im so sorry to hear your sad news. thats awful, id be in bits too. big hugs to you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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