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Tracey M Labour Story

Tracey M

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Hi girls :wave:

Promised to do a labour story..... First of all there were some signs that labouir would happen soon but did not know at the time.

Increased discharge. Yellow/very pale green in colour, stringy like mucus. Was dripping out me at times. I was worried about it so went to the maternity assessment unit at 10am on Sunday morning to get swabs taken.
They sent me on my way. I did also have mild period like cramps and midwife said that maybe she would see me later that day!
On Sunday evening I was in loads of pain with my SPD. I was feeling loads of pressure low down and felt the need to just sit down all the time. My next door neighbour (bless her) came and made my tea for me cos I was just so uncomfortable.
I sat down after tea to watch pre-recorded x factor. At 9pm I was just just sitting on sofa and felt a strange feeling in my pants. I was wearing a pad due to excessive discharge and just got up to go for a pee. When I went to the toilet I started to pee and realised it just kept on coming and coming and coming - I knew it was my waters breaking. I stood up and sat down again and more was coming. Oh man I got all excited I wandered casually back into livingroom saying "well, thats my waters broken guys its gonna happen for sure in the next 2 days sometime!" I called the maternity assessment unit and spoke to midwife who asked me loads of questions. I agreed that I wanted to just stay at home and wait for proper contrations to start before going in. Hospital half an hour away she said I could go in to make sure it was my waters but if I was not in established labour i.e 4cm or over they would just send me home again. I said I'd call back in a few hours and see how I was going. She said to call if contractions 3-4 mins apart and lasting 45 seconds or so. I went upstairs ran a bath and chilled out. Contractions were definately starting now. I called my sister and my mum. I started to time my contractions and they were 3-4 mins apart lasting 30 seconds. I got out bath and got through to bedroom. By this time my contractions were taking my breath away and were 45 seconds long. I called up my hubby saying I think we should go to hospital now. I asked him to call as my contractions were stronger. The journey to hospital was a nightmare. By this time I'm clinging onto the handle of the car like my life depended on it and I was really trying to breathe through it but struggling. Hubby could hardly drive due to a hip injury and he was in agony too and bouncing off the clutch!!:shock:
Got to hospital and I made it to the assessment unit. Got on the bed and was assessed for about an hour. It was about 11.30pm when I got taken through to labour room and I was 4-5 cm. Finally got my gas & air although I really thought it was doing nothing for me. I think I was like an opera singer - inhale the gas, exhale in a singing voice ha ha. If someone told me to take long slow breaths I would kill them. Midwife ran me a bath and I was in loads of pain now. Here is the bit with TMI so look away ha ha. Basically, before labour I was seriously constipated so needless to say there I was next to my bed having a long hard contraction and I kinda kneeled on the floor and could not get up and I could just feel the poo coming and there nothing I could do about it. I had on hospital disposable pants and pads and basically shit all over them right where I was!! :shakehead: After contraction I made it to toilet and was trying to clean myself but it was everywhere.... OMG I was not embarrassed or anything I just said I was really sorry to midwife. She said its ok you can have a bath now and in I got. I lay in bath for about half an hour with gas and air and asked hubby to get me back out I was just too uncomfy. I changed into another nightie and got myself onto the bed, begging for some pain relief. She managed to check and I was 5-6 cm so said I was ok for diamorphene and got that finally at 1.05 am - she said it would take 20 mins to take effect oh man it was horrible waiting!! At one point the midwife asked me if I needed to poo again cos I was obviously starting to just go again where I was - I seemed to have no control to get myself out the bed and go to the loo but this time I managed. It was really bad this time cos I was stuck on loo, no gas and air and shitting my life away and clinging onto the loo roll holder like my life depended on it. At one point I sttod up and screamed and I could see just blood coming out me and midwife asked if I was gonna have the baby in loo or what?! She helped me back to my bed after cleaning myself up again and finally pain relief was taking effect. It did by no means take the pain away but it got me to at least calmly lie down on my left hand sife, cling onto my gas & air and breathe through the contractions without turning into a mad woman..... So hubby said he was gonna try and get some sleep on the chair and the midwife left me. I just lay there and got on with it on my own. I can remember lying there and suddenly I was grunting and pushing with pressure - I just thought it was me going for a poo on my bed again until I heard the midwife come in andf say "Oh my God - the head!!" my hubby woke up and leapt off the chair and she pressed emergency button for assistance as she did nopt even have a delivery pack or anything. Another midwife came running in and they were scrambling to get their pack open - one midwife got me off my left hand side and onto my back and held my legs back and I just pushed him out right there and then!! :dance: OMG that bit was just soo easy and before I knew it my wee boy was in my arms. I of course still had to get the 3rd stage placenta out and midwife was pushing on my tummy and gently pulling at the cord. It all came out in a big whoosh and into a bucket. After the cord had stopped pulsating, my hubby cut the cord. Baby boy Adam was born at 2.07 am weighing in at 8lb 14oz :dance: all very healthy and well. They kinda left us for about an hour where I took off my nightie, got Adam skin to skin and got him onto the breast for his first feed. Hubby left about 3.15am to go home and I got my bed changed and had the best ever shower in the world. I lay down to sleep but could not close my eyes as I just wanted to look at him all night long.....:nap: finally came but only for an hour or so. I got home about 2pm in the afternoon.

So, there you go. I have been as honest as I can be from what I remember. I hope it does not scare anyone off - hey the pain is truly horrible there is no denying it and I dont know why people say you forget the pain cos I actually dont think I ever will (this is my 2nd baby) its really quite a traumatic experience so I just think everyone should be prepared.

All in all - according to my notes it was a 2.5 hour labour 1st stage. 2nd stage 5 mins and 3rd stage 8 mins.

Good luck to all you girls out there who still have to have their babies - one piece of truth that everyone says is that its all worth it when you get your LO in your arms - totally awesome and truly the best feeling in the entire world.....
aw congrats! you're story made me very emotional, well done you! sound slike you were a star! The poo parts of the story really made me laugh!

enjoy your new precious bundle :)
well done...glad you said at the end it is all worth it...lol

sounds like you did really well xxx
OMG i'm nearly in tears reading that.

Massive congratulations!!

Cant wait to see the pics

Congratulations hunny, you did so well and such a lovely name (even if i am biased :) )
Heres me thinking my 2nd baby might not be as painful, maybe i was dreaming x x

Awww it's a lovely story! Nice to have the TMI moments included as well haha!

Congrats xxx
Ah congrats again! It's good to hear the TMI parts as I'm sure lots of people 'forget' those bits, must admit I'm dreading those bits more than the pain lol!
Congrats Tracey :hug: What a story! Any pics? I LOVE the name Adam.

Congratulations, sounds like you did brilliant. Enjoy your new addition :)
Pics to follow just cant seem to upload as too large. Will try on main pc tomorrow
Awwww cingrats!a lovely read so honest and some bits made me giggle xx
Aww lovely birth story, thanks for sharing! Congratulations!! Xx

Green mucus sounds bad though, I am sure i would start panicking! Was it something to do with the plug?
congrats! so happy for you! seems so long ago that we first spoke in ttc.

was the green mucus anything to do with plug?
Great birth story, huge congratulations. I like that you have included all the details, we need to know these things defo, thanks hun and lovely name you picked for the little man xx

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