Tour of midwife-led unit


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Hello girls :wave:

Sorry I haven't been on here much of late, I'm just really busy with school... anyway, I thought I would update you all on the "Where on Earth should I give birth" scenario!

I went to look round the midwife-led unit today (half an hour from the nearest hospital with full facilities / epidural / caesarians). It started snowing so hard on my way there I thought I was going to have to turn round!

Anyway it was absolutely fantastic; a real calm oasis and a home from home and the midwives were all so lovely. I definitely think it's the right environment for me to give birth in, and husbands are allowed any time. Less than one birth a day too so I basically get the delivery suite (including a birthing pool in each individual delivery room) to myself! :cheer:

Of course my husband still wants me to go to the massive hospital because he says he'd be gutted if anything happened to me or Connie, but that he respects my final decision, and he won't blame me if anything does go wrong due to my decision :shock:

Anyway antenatal classes start next week (Weds) and I get to look round the big hospital then, but I think I already know what my decision would be.

Right decision? 15% of people who go there end up in the big hospital anyway due to complications etc!!!!!!
I think it has to be a personal decision - did they tell you how long it would take to get to the main hospital on blue lights? I had this decision to make too - but i decided the other way! (although the main hospital does have a midwife led unit within it so i am hoping for that).

The only thing that is worth considering is if you do decide you want an epidural, how long it will take to get you there and get it administered. I have a friend who went to the birth centre, decided she wanted an epidural and because she wasn't an emergency she waited an hour for the ambulance to transfer her - by which point it was too late for her to have the epidural.
Sounds like a fab place to give birth so I would go for it!
It's good to see you back - I was getting a bit worried :D
It sounds like you are really happy with the unit so go for it if it's what you want :cheer:
It sounds lovely and relaxed and if thats what you want then go for it. I know you really hate hospitals so maybe this is a good compromise for you. I would wait till you have seen the hospital till you make a final choice though you may be pleasantly surprised.

Its such a personal choice for everyone that only you will know where you will be truly happy and the most relaxed that you can be and im sure if your happy then hubby will be too.

Your lucky with your classes mine dont start till March. :wall:
Id say you've made the right decision hun. Its the first time you've EVER put the words birth & calm together on one page :rotfl: so you must feel relaxed and very happy about it which is brilliant! :cheer: :cheer:

How long do your antenatal classes last for? Im booked to go on mine now. I wasnt going to bother but OH wanted to go.....they start when Im 36 weeks :lol: Il have more than likely popped by then!

Tillytots said:
Id say you've made the right decision hun. Its the first time you've EVER put the words birth & calm together on one page :rotfl: so you must feel relaxed and very happy about it which is brilliant! :cheer: :cheer:

How long do your antenatal classes last for? Im booked to go on mine now. I wasnt going to bother but OH wanted to go.....they start when Im 36 weeks :lol: Il have more than likely popped by then!


I thought i was starting mine late at 34 weeks but 36 weeks :shock: ive got money on you popping early too :cheer:
I know I was quite suprised how long they left it. Actually Il be further than 36wks I'll be 37+3....15th april :shock: They offer 4 classes each lasting 2 hours.

that sounds like a really nice birth centre
Mine start at 28 weeks and run each week for 4 weeks.

I also have a one off class next week for breastfeeding, and one on massage and positions for labour.

By the time I've done two evening sessions and a full week's work next week I'll be ready to sleep for 2 months... oh no, hang on I WILL be able to sleep for 2 months :rotfl:
It sounds lovely :D At my midwife unit there are no epidurals or c-sections, for those you get transferred to the hospital 45 mins away! :shock:

I started my classes last week. I get 4 in total each lasting 2 hours.

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