Toughest Place To Be A Midwife


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
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Girls, I just watched this on the iPlayer, it's BBC2.. A mw from Sutton Hospital goes to Liberia to work, and it is so shocking.. A must watch, a bit upsetting and scenes of childbirth xx
Just watching this now. I can see myself getting upset though but had to watch!
I watched this, those poor ladies. Makes you thankful for our health service and the facilities we have available xxx
I meant to watch that. will have a look on iplayer later if i get chance x
wow I just watched it, it made me cry when that woman had her baby right next to the woman who had just lost hers :cry:

I think the british midwife was amazing tho, I kind of want to move to wherever she is so I can have my next baby in her care!
Did you see how little emotion there was throughout the whole thing though? In the labour ward there was someone in labour, someone with a stillborn in her tummy and another having an abortion.. Within meters of eachother.. x
I was talking to my mum about this last night as I couldnt quite believe it. It was the stillborn baby that got me, that they called him 'it' and just wrapped him up and put him in a bedpan :( And then to watch someone give birth not long after....

We're so so lucky. Paige would have died if we didn't have the care that we do here. I couldn't imagine not being able to have access to these facilities.
The stillborn got me too, its an already horrific thing to go through but there were no kind words spoken, not even a hug or some words of support, she just thanked them and watched the other birth and looked over at the baby when it was born, it happens a lot more over there but I can't quite get my head round how they just accept it? The other woman that gave birth to a stillborn was the same, they were so matter of fact about it all, the girl that was having the illegal abortion who died, she was in critical condition close to death, no antibiotics available and on a ward where there is no equipment or anything, bloody scary x
She died didn't she in the end, so sad, such a young age too xx
im just gonna watch it now.. i know i shouldnt as i know i will get -upset!
Yeah :( she must have been in so much pain, she refused to be examined because she had put the "leaf of death" into her cervix, if she had of let them check her out she probably wouldn't have died.. Did you see when the uk mw went outside in tears because the 18 year old that was in labour, they actually pushed her stomach to help deliver the baby?! Its madness x
I know, that was brutal, no dignity or compassion. Those poor ladies xx
I got this on record I'm
Going to watch it tonight! Sounds very traumatic!
OMG - those poor women giving birth and the poor midwives trying to deal with it all. My heart goes out to them. Makes you realise how lucky we are to have choices and the resources in our country. Makes you feel very humbled.

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