Totally Irrational Fears - Post yours here!!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Hello All! :wave:

Thought I'd start a thread on Irrational Fears. Here's your chance to air all those daft fears you have during pregnancy!

TMI is welcome!

I'll start the ball rolling....

I'm convinced that every time I have to REALLY push a number two out that I'm going to dislodge LO! I'm pretty sure it's one of the main reasons for my constipation during second tri! :rotfl: :oops: :rotfl:

So come on girls, what silly things have you imagined?
haha I remember thinking that with Ellis!!!

I have none at the min but great thread come on girls make us laugh!! xxxxxx
LaineyG said:
Hello All! :wave:

Thought I'd start a thread on Irrational Fears. Here's your chance to air all those daft fears you have during pregnancy!

TMI is welcome!

I'll start the ball rolling....

I'm convinced that every time I have to REALLY push a number two out that I'm going to dislodge LO! I'm pretty sure it's one of the main reasons for my constipation during second tri! :rotfl: :oops: :rotfl:

So come on girls, what silly things have you imagined?

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I thought I was the only one. xxx
I've got a really bad cold at the moment and sneezing sooooo much, honestly about 10 times in one go, i get worried and clamp my legs closed with every sneeze, scared its either gonna dislodge someone or pee myself :oops:
LaineyG said:
Hello All! :wave:

Thought I'd start a thread on Irrational Fears. Here's your chance to air all those daft fears you have during pregnancy!

TMI is welcome!

I'll start the ball rolling....

I'm convinced that every time I have to REALLY push a number two out that I'm going to dislodge LO! I'm pretty sure it's one of the main reasons for my constipation during second tri! :rotfl: :oops: :rotfl:

So come on girls, what silly things have you imagined?


Me too! No later than today I had this fear!

a few other ones:

The sneezing one - typical. I feel that everytime I sneeze or cough I will crush my baby

Same for when I bend, I get scared I'm gonna crush little bean

I never zip my trousers these days, for fear of crushing little bean!

I don't run anymore - for the same reason, that bean will slowly slip out of me
:rotfl: :rotfl: This is soooo funny! I think ALL of these things! Aren't we daft :clap: :clap:
:rotfl: My Other half, SAID..... "I think it's kinda crowded in there now ! " During love making...... I mean really.... I still have over 20 weeks to go.... and he thinks he is "bumping" into baby.... Goodness me.. basic biology anyone? ? ? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Lv Yvonne xx
laetitia85 said:
The sneezing one - typical. I feel that everytime I sneeze or cough I will crush my baby

Same for when I bend, I get scared I'm gonna crush little bean

I never zip my trousers these days, for fear of crushing little bean!

I don't run anymore - for the same reason, that bean will slowly slip out of me

Yeah I get scared when I bend, and I won't curl up with my legs under me on the sofa anymore incase I bend baby in half :shock:

Plus the obvious pooing one- it's mad isn't it?!! :rotfl:
My worst one is having the bath too hot, I am scared I might boil the LO so I have been freezing my butt off in luke warm baths!!!

I also refuse to push the trolley in the supermarket as the bar is right at bump height and I worry some nutter might ram me!! (wierder things have happened at our local morrison's)!! So I make either my OH or my sis come with me and take control of the trolly pushing! :oops:

I am also with you on the sneezing, bending and pooing ones.............. am I paranoid or what :roll:
I've got over most of mine now but some of them were:

* Going to the loo, I'd almost try not to incase I'd push LO out (or he'd fall out etc)
* Sneezing/Coughing...anything that squashed my tummy up
* Squashing LO in bed at night (I love sleeping on my tummy - it's been so hard not to...although now I couldn't if I tried!!)
* Baby dying before birth - this still worries me acutally (even on days he's kicking away or I can hear him clear on the doppler etc)
* Eating/drinking something he doesn't like
* Going to the supermarket (shops/mall etc) without DH for "protection"
* Bumping into things/people

I'm sure there are countless others I can't think of just now. Basically though I'm sure we've all come up with similar ones and I think I've over worried about LO at times so chances are if your worried about it I've been there and worried about it too!!
Nicola said:
I've got over most of mine now but some of them were:

* Going to the loo, I'd almost try not to incase I'd push LO out (or he'd fall out etc)
* Sneezing/Coughing...anything that squashed my tummy up
* Squashing LO in bed at night (I love sleeping on my tummy - it's been so hard not to...although now I couldn't if I tried!!)
* Baby dying before birth - this still worries me acutally (even on days he's kicking away or I can hear him clear on the doppler etc)
* Eating/drinking something he doesn't like
* Going to the supermarket (shops/mall etc) without DH for "protection"
* Bumping into things/people

I'm sure there are countless others I can't think of just now. Basically though I'm sure we've all come up with similar ones and I think I've over worried about LO at times so chances are if your worried about it I've been there and worried about it too!!

:rotfl: Eating or drinking something he doesn't like!!!! What's the worse that can happen? lol :rotfl:
One of mine is when I get a fright, like a door banging suddenly which makes me catch my breath and my heart race. I always wonder if the adrenaline surge affects the baby too!
Of course, the ironic thing is, that worrying actually affects your baby more than any of these things!!! :)

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