Totally addicted to...


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2010
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I cant help myself, lol. I love seeing the line appear quicker and darker. This mornings was brilliantly dark, pretty much the same as the control line. It's been fab to see the progression over the course of the week.

Anyone else addicted?

Think I will try and stop now and accept the fact that I am actually pg, lol. Though not sure whether to another digi to see the 3+. I need help dont I!
I was like that,till I ran out of tests. I was v tempted to buy some more yesterday but I restrained myself. Is an amazin feelin watchin the lines gettin darker but such a waste of money lol x
Lol. I have only been doing IC since the digi. Think I have done about 7 or 8 of them now in total since Monday. It is a wasted of money but so nice to see.
I was a POAS addict until I was about 14 weeks, lol! I used to just love seeing those two lines confirming that infact I was having a baby! :love:
I think I did 6 in total! Still would like to do another now, but can't afford it really lol :)
Lol I just used to do the extra tests with the pound shop cheapies :D
I've been doing the same but it is costing a small fortune so I think I should stop now. I think I try to recapture the first test and how happy I was but I know whats going to happen now so it take some of the fun out of it.
I'm the same, did a ebay cheepie yesterday, then counted to see how quick it cam come up, just so you know the hormone is sktill there , will have to stop soon, my large pack of cheep testsfrom TTC is nearly all gone, 2 left now, will save them for a weak moment!

Lovely to see tho X
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I am so glad I am not the only one, lol.
im not this time round i did 1 myself, and 2 with doc, but with my son i think i did about 20/30 so dont worry hun your normal lol
lols this thread has amused me i only did one test got it on the shelf never thought to do another lol
i did two on same day as i had a double pack and i haent thought about doing another on either lol x
I couldnt help myself, did another IC cheapy this morning. The line showed up before the control line did. Loving it!

*promises will not test again*

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