Top Ten Labour Songs? What Would You Want?


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2010
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Well................. Despite putting my iPod through the fecking wash yesterday (I shall have to borrow my OH's) I was compiling songs for hospital, and it occurred to me - what would your top ten songs be to have playing while yer in labour?

I've thought of some funny ones.

1. New Model Army - Get Me Out (we were at this gig, my OH is one of the bare-chested men in the middle, I was hiding at the side)

2. The Levellers - Outside Inside
(we all wish the baby was on the outside already)

3. Chumbawamba - Drip Drip Drip (for all those who're hoping their waters go soon)

4. The Mission - Deliverance (needs no explanation)

5. Pop Will Eat Itself - Beaver Patrol (couldn't find a vid for Inject Me for all you who will be screaming 'epidural, epidural')

6. The Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated (twenty twenty twenty four hours to go, I wanna be sedated...)

7. Jimbob - Touchy Feely (because My Face Your arse, for the benefit of all the midwives out there, has no video link, and this one represents how many people put their hands up our flanges during labour!)

8. Grinderman - Heathen Child (mine is, I'm not married to the father! And yes, it is Nick Cave)

9. Chris T-T - Drink Beer
(my OH says he'll be down The Heath pub while I'm in The Heath hospital giving birth)

10. Men Without Hats - Safety Dance (because that's what you'll be practising for years following how this labour of yours feels!)

Wow, that took a long time! Don't feel you need to add video links because I did, I just thought I'd be in a minority with my music taste and some of you might be interested more if you saw/heard what I was posting!
This made me giggle :) lol x
I posted it up to the New Model Army forum, someone said 'anything by Squeeze', and Push It by Salt 'n' Pepa, Mummy Was An Asteroid And Daddy Was A Non Stick Kitchen Utensil by Quiet Sun, One c(H)ord wonder-The Adverts............................

Alright, don't worry about thinking of ten, think of any! It's good to keep the brain going :)

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