Too tubby to help!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2008
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Well we went to see consultant today and on the plus side (lol which I am!!!) all test results fine.
Have not stopped crying :cry: yet tho as she said they could not help me because of my weight :oops: !!!!
I just feel sick and empty. :cry:
I know I have got to pull myself together and loose my weight,No clomid or IVF until I do!!!!!
Then I just popped to mums for something to eatand my brothers girlfriend was there who is 7wks pregnant....WHY IS LIFE SO CRUEL?????
Sorry ladies just feel a bit down. :(

L x
Pinky please dont feel too bad - how much weight do you have to loose? I only ask as I was having awful problems with my cycles following an ectopic in December. 6 weeks ago I started on the Cambridge Diet - I wanted to loose between 1 1/2 and 2 stone - got to the 1 1/2 stone down and felt odd so took a test and I got a BFP!! Still waiting to see if all is in the right place so not getting too excited but I am convinced it was the weight loss that helped me...

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I lost a 2 stone, had IUI and fell pregnant. This was after 3 years of Clomid and other methods. I'm convinced the weight loss was the key and I had the incentive to lose it.

:hug: You can do it.
I need to lose about 7 stone :oops: !!!! BUT they want me to loose just over 3, the worst part is that when I had m/c in march I had lost nearly 3 stone then. Since m/c I have gone off the rails and put on just over a stone and a half!!!! :wall:
I know what I have to do and i knew what they were going to say.....
Back to slimming world with a positive frame of mind.... :)
:pray: for you ROM.
Its just am 38 now and time is a ticking :cry:
She did say we will see you in 6months and think about clomid if no little bean and have achieved my weight loss!!!!!
Thanks for time in replying its just sometimes the weight and TTC get me down! Am quite sure am not alone.
I know it is crushing when they say that :( but you CAN do it! :hug:
With our help you can do it! :hug:

Thinking of you and will support you all I can :hug: :hug: :hug:

Love Polly xxx
It is tough - but I've just done 2 stone following slimming world (didn't go to group I'm a veteran :wink: ) and I'm convinced thats going to make it easier this time. Robert whatisname did say that he considered weight to be the biggest barrier to infertility.

I have another stone to go to be at my happy weight :D I first lost my weight a couple of years ago after a doctor told me it would help with another health problem - I was horrified at the thought that my weight was having any effect on my health - I was only a size 16 but I felt a million times better with it off. I put it back on over the last 12 months, especially after 2 mcs but its coming off as easily as it went on :hug:
i managed to lose 3 stone last year, didnt do anything drastic, it is hard,
good luck hun :) :hug: :hug:
You CAN do it :)

I lost one stone in the past six months, very up and downy though but I got there, thanks to Weight Watchers. The points plan is brilliant. Follow it and the weight will come off...absolutely no doubt about it

Good luck !
Aww hun Im sorry you have been feeling so upset but weight is ment to be a huge factor in fertility problems as others have said so Im sure losing it will make a difference it will also no doubt make a big difference when you do get pregnant to how easy you find the pregnancy so lots of good incentives to give you the will power you need and in the mean time lots of BDing will help with weight loss and you may suprise yourself and get your BFP before you know it! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi hun.

I need to lose about 4 stone myself :oops: The doctor's I've seen haven't actually mentioned my weight but I do feel deep down that it is hindering our chances. I'm 11st 10lbs which if I was tall wouldn't be so bad I guess, but I'm only 4ft 11in so am around 4st over what I ideally should be. I'm a size 16-18 clothes too and I hate it :roll: .

I'm re-joining Slimming World on Monday and am determined to do it this time. I have been on SlimFast for a couple of weeks but ended up starving and just lost it LOL.

We could be slimming buddies if you want hun :hug: :hug:
:hug: hun its not easy but you have a great incentive there. we are all here to help you i know how hard it is to lose weight, i lost 4 stone in a year 6 years ago and battle with my weight now, think of all the benefits especially the prospect of your own baby. all the best stay strong. :hug:
Hi, why not join us in Fat Fighters Thread alot of us are trying to lose weight in there and are on all different sorts of diets - its good to have support when trying to lose weight as its so damn hard.

But the thing is you really want a baby more then anything so your going to be pretty determined too do it either way.

The best of luck and im sure you be fine!
Just wanted to say hi and good luck to all that want to loose weight, but wanted to let you know that after 12 years of trying for a baby i actually conceived at the highest weight of my life. (Size 16 for 5ft 2in is classed by the doctors as obese as they kept telling me :oops: )
Although it helps i personally dont think its the be all and end all.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Pinky,

There are plenty of us on here trying to lose some weight so you are not alone. I am on weight watchers, I joined last week and first weigh in tonight I lost 4 pounds. It really is so much easier to lose it when you've got a support network. Do you know anybody else that would go to a group with you?
Weight watchers is fab, Ive lost 16 pounds since joining there 6 weeks ago - f you can find a buddy to go with im sure you will see results quickly.

Alternatively slimming world is very good too.

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