Too MUch?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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Oliver will sometimes eat 3/4 full of a adults bowl of veg and a yougurt for pudding. Is this too much? I dont force him to have this much he tells me when he is full.

Any ideas of different things he can have? I normally do him some veg and give him what ever meat we are eating. but I need new ideas...........

(a few months ago I was worried he was not eating now I am worried he eats too much at once)
If he eats it and isn't sick after then I would say not to worry about it.

Other things he can have:
Mini sandwiches
Cheese chunks
Tomato and cucumber
Raisin bread/hot crossed buns
Malt loaf
cheese on toast
Pasta twirls in a bit of sauce.

:think: there's loads more but I can't think LOL
Sounds ok to me. If he's full up he won't eat it or will just be sick.

Jamie has whatever we had for the night befores dinner just pureed up & stored in the fridge for the next night (as we eat after him) Today he had pasta & chicken in a sauce, he's had chicken Korma, roast dinners, sausage & mash, spaghetti bolognaise (he loved that), cottage pie, fish pie etc & for pudding he'll have either a banana mashed up with custard or cooked apple or pear , rice pudding, semolina, fruit puree, yoghurts (until we found it brings him out in a rash!) angel delight etc

I have batches of food prepared in the freezer, recipes from Annabel Karmels book which he has for lunch or he has toast, scrambled egg with spaghetti hoops, bread & jam, sandwiches (I use cheese spread) or marmite, if we go out he'll have a jar of something, usually form Heinz.

For brekkie he has porridge, weetabix or ready brek. He quite like soggy shreddies too!
I gave him less to day... I will see if he wakes early tonight. I read can give then too much but I should have stuck ti my judgements!

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