Too much sleep???


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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I would like your opinions on something please!!

Romilly's sleep/wake/feed pattern is

9am wake up, bottle, waketime
11am nap
12 noon wake up, bottle waketime,
2.30pm nap
3pm wake up, nap, waketime
6pm bath, massage, bottle, bed
11pm dream feed
5am wakes for a bottle
9am wake time and start again!

So she goes to bed at half sixish and doesn't get up til 9am.

Is she sleeping too much? Is that possible??

So far it hasn't bothered us, we feel blessed that she does have a good sleep! But after a comment by a 'friend' saying she has too much sleeptime and was there a problem with her, we've been perplexed.

She's a very happy, smiley baby who loves life, quite advanced for her age (she's trying very hard to walk!!!) and generally a joy!!

Any thoughts??
thats not too different to Alyssas routine except she sleeps a bit more cos shes younger, they grow and learn while they sleep so i dont see anything wrong with that at all. as long as shes alert and happy when awake and meeting her milestones etc then tell your friend to shush cos shes obviously jealous your lo sleeps so well lol
I would feel blessed!! We have the same routine as you except Will doesn't go to bed til 9:30/10pm :roll:

Iv come to the conclusion that with sleep babies do what they want so I wouldn't worry xx
Looks fine to me not to dissimalar to harrisons although he sleeps till 7 in the morning but has an extra hour or so nap in the day!! xxxx
I would feel blessed!! We have the same routine as you except Will doesn't go to bed til 9:30/10pm :roll:

Iv come to the conclusion that with sleep babies do what they want so I wouldn't worry xx

O is the same
Mine doesn't even sleep though! Make the most of it for me!!!! Maybe your friends baby is a bad sleeper?

Babies apparently should have 15/17 hours sleep per day. Lol. Def asleep a lot more than awake x
Thanks ladies - as I thought then, all is ok!!!

The 'friend' has monster children who rule the roost so I'm not sure why any of her 'advice' has bothered me!!!

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