Too Much Movement- Is She Distressed?


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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For The Last 3 Days My Baby Has Been Moving Around NON STOP. Pushing Really Hard On My Cervix Sending Shooting Pains "Down There" CONSTANTLY and Pushing Really Hard Against My Belly So It Feels Like Its Going To Burst. She Just Starts To Wriggle & It Goes On Literally For Hours & Hours & Hours. I Cant Stress Enough Just How Much Movemnet Shes Making & They're So,So Strong They Make Me Wince.

Im Just Beginning To Worry That Maybe Its Not Good & Could Be a Warning That Shes Not Happy? Or Is This Normal Near The End Of Pregnancy? Im Too Embarassed To Ring a Midwife For Advice About It.
Dunno... but little miss has been doing the same thing the past week or so... Today's been pretty bad, but she got bullied by one of the grandma's yesterday, so if she is in distress I don't blame her.. :roll: Also Tia's been sick all evening and night, and I am struggling to sort things out, change beds etc.. and I think that might be upsetting her too... have you changed anything recently?

I've had a funny feeling that she's trying to engage... although I am not sure.. and as I am currently not permitted to have any form of midwife care and my doctor isn't interested, I'm stuck with not knowing... or rushing down the hospital which is infinitely more embarrassing when they turn around and say theres nothing wrong. :roll:

Basically I don't worry unless there a drop in movement...but if you are worried, I'd say call your mw.. better that then have your bp go up and you get all stressed which will probably make your baby move even more.
Ive been getting exactly the same as you over the past 2 days and asked MW about it this morning as was wondering if it was normal and she said its perfectly normal and its just baby pushing down in the pelvis & moving around.

It takes me breath away and I keep getting really nasty pains coming from down below along with BHs and period pains, she also thrashes around loads and feels like shes scrapping my insides :lol: sounds very simular to what u describe?

I was walking around my house last night trying to ease the pains at 2am!
happy_chick said:
Ive been getting exactly the same as you over the past 2 days and asked MW about it this morning as was wondering if it was normal and she said its perfectly normal and its just baby pushing down in the pelvis & moving around.

It takes me breath away and I keep getting really nasty pains coming from down below along with BHs and period pains, she also thrashes around loads and feels like shes scrapping my insides :lol: sounds very simular to what u describe?

I was walking around my house last night trying to ease the pains at 2am!

Thanks For That Hun Thats Pretty Much What Im Experiencing. Thats Put My Mind At Ease Now :) I Was a Bit Concerned As Its Deffinately Nothing To Do With Stress Or Me etc Because Im Really Relaxed Now & Just Plodding Along Excited About Xmas & The Birth :D Maybe Baby Is Just Excited & Looking Forward To The Festive Celebrations :lol:

Thanks To All Other Replies Too :) :hug: xxx
I would assume that you are just feeling the movements a lot more because she has less space to move around in, so to you they are a lot more intense..?

I'm sure you'll be alright, Ryan moved a lot towards the end too.
I am the exact same. U must have had about 2 hours sleep last night as bump is just none stop!
I reckon she is getting ready to make her appearance :D
Good luck :D
I'm really pleased you posted this as I've been experiencing exactly the same thing! I thought I had the most over active baby in the world! My tummy was litterally moving around like mad last night and I was in real pain with all the kicking . I've been like this for a while now too. I find if I get up and walk around a bit it helps to settle it down, also I find that if I go onto my hands a knees that also eases it off a bit a the kicks aren't as uncomfortable. My Dr has said that being quite slim/small also has an effect on what you feel, I have stayed fairly slim (I don't feel it but I have been told) and hence am feeling a lot of the movement and did so from very early on.
Mine does the same. I know why's because baby has grown so much the space for baby, the mobile disco AND all the people baby's invited to the office party is pretty scarse indeed......they're all fighting for space up the front of the dance floor and this is why you're all feeling so much movement. Especially when Happy hour starts at about 8pm :wall:
I experienced alot of sharp pain in the pelvic area and baby was going mad a couple of nights ago. I ended up going to maternity to check it out and yes, it was the baby going crazy trying to slot his head into the pelvis. The mw checked him all out and said his head was constantly bobbing in and out and that causes alot discomfort and pain. I was very relieved to hear that it was just baby trying to settle. She also told me to be aware of my posture and keep my knees lower than pelvis as much as possible to try encourage baby to slip his head in properly. I was also told that second babies dont often engage until labour is established. xx
Iv Worked It Out...

Its Deffinately a Growth Spurt! Shes Always Been Very Active & Shes Been Engaged For a While BUT I Got Stretch Marks This Week & I Think That Shes Just So Big In There Now That Its Causing The Big Pressure Everytime She Moves :) Iv Been Getting The Shooting Pains In My Cervix For Ages Too But They Have Just Been Much More Frequent & Strong Recently. So a Growth Spurt Pretty Much Explains The Lot!

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