Too much Amniotic fluid


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2008
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Hi ladies

I went for my weekly check up today at the hospital because of my O.C and when I was having my scan she measured my fluid,
she said it was measuring high and that they need to keep an eye on it. (just another bloody thing to worry about) I googled it and wished I hadn't as there is some scary stuff out there!!!

Has this happened to anyone or does anyone know anything about it? I feel like it is just one thing after another at the moment :?

Thank you

Kerry xx
hello Kerry :wave:

dont whatever you do google :lol: it will scare the crap out of you. Polyhydramnios is what you're looking for. Apparently it isnt that common but I think there have been a few ladies with it on here. Do you know what AFI you are measuring? Usually the levels will drop down over the next few weeks.

I had ALOT of fluid, James had his own waterpark in my tummy and we even called him Nemo! I was sent for lots of scans, scared the crap out of and worried myself silly. Everything was fine though, James was born without any problems at all. When he came out though I soaked the midwives :rotfl:

They should have been prepared with wet suits :rotfl:

Thank you for that, Its nice to listen to others that have had the same thing. I was reading alsorts on the net, in the end I had to turn it off as I thought I was going to have a panic attack.
Its nice to hear everything was ok with you and James, it makes me feel a lot more positve.
Thank you xxx
Tillytots said:
I had ALOT of fluid, James had his own waterpark in my tummy and we even called him Nemo! I was sent for lots of scans, scared the crap out of and worried myself silly. Everything was fine though, James was born without any problems at all. When he came out though I soaked the midwives :rotfl:

I was EXACTLY the same with Tom!

Had loads of scans and was all worried but everything was fine.
I had a section and when they made the incision, it sounded like someone had lobbed a bucket of water across the room!

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