Amniotic Fluid Levels


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2007
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I'm off for a scan tomorrow to check whether our baby has turned around (he has been breech or transverse all along) and also to check my placenta due to my increased age :D

At 32 weeks + 5 my amniotic levels were 6 cm?? thats what she wrote on my scan form - I have just been looking online to see what to expect if my placenta is failing and have frightened myself to death!! From what I have read 6cm is really low!! Has anyone else had their levels checked?

:wall: another thing to worry myself silly about tonight!!!

Jane x
I haven't got a clue - sorry - but I just wanted to say don't go looking things up and getting yourself worked up!
If there was a problem they would surely have alerted you to it at the time?
Good luck with the you think he has turned??

My fluid levels were: 171mm (at 32+6 weeks), she may have made a typo, otherwise I am sure they would have said something.....did you have to speak to a MW after the scan?

I shall keep my fingers crossed that all goes well for you tomorrow :hug:
I was diagnosed with Oligohydromnios (Low Amniotic Fluid) at my 20 week scan, and the first thing we did was look it up on Google :talkhand: BIG mistake!! I was convinced something bad was going to happen to my LO but she was fine, my levels were usually around the 5cm (Deepest pocket of fluid) which was low, but still normal. Sometimes the levels can be reduced if baby has a full bladder, or if you have been leaking, which I was sure I was (Unconfirmed, though).

We were given regular growth scans as a precaution, sometimes every 2 weeks depending on the levels, but she was fine and was born at 38 weeks weighing 7lbs 8.5oz.

My advice is, don't look on Google. The Doctors know your personal situation and will deal with it in the best way :hug: Don't forget, fluid levels do reduce in the 3rd Tri because baby is bigger! :D Good luck :hug: :hug:
:D google is my worst nightmare and my best friend :D

The stonographer actually said everything was fine at the time so why I am worrying now goodness only knows..... still cant quite believe how lucky we have been so far I suppose :D .

Ellie I thought he had turned but now I am not so sure, I think he may have turned back or at least gone transverse. My kicks all seem to be below the tummy button again and I have a hard ridge across the centre of my tummy - that and the fact I can hear his heartbeat in two places across my tummy makes me think this... Dave on the other hand thinks i am about to give birth to the next Doctor Who!!! :D

I was breathing easier but over the past couple of days it has been a problem again - this could be the virus thing I have though but I am definately uncomfortable again... Oh well we will know tomorrow afternoon - our appointment is at 2.20 pm so a long morning ahead of us.

Thanks again everyone.

Jane x
At my growth scan at 30 weeks 2days it says normal liquor volume
at 33 weeks 2 days it says

AFI = 94, above 5th centile. Fetal urinary bladder identified
Deepest pool = 71mm

They are not overly worried as apparently the 'normal' value for AFI is 100 but can be affected by the babys position. Apparently they have to take readings in an area where there are no limbs etc, if the baby moves when they are doing the reading, it can change the result.

Ive got to go back on friday and have mine remeasured. Surely if things were as dangerous as they make out when you google it, then they wouldve done further tests/admitted you when you had the scan carried out

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