Too impatient


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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Eurgh i feel so Down, well not like depressed but like i just want my baby so much and everyday seems to be longer than the last,
i sit in and wait im waiting to have my baby,
i went to the midwife today and she said im 3/5 engaged, and its like, i really dont want to wait to have my little one, ive been waiting ages,
its so much now, i cant sleep i cant get comfortable and its been making me really angry and annoyed,
i got so stressed at myleen class(sounds stupid) that she had her baby early, i want my baby. but knowing me ill be 2 weeks late which means instead of like 4 weeks i have 6 weeks and its just putting me down.
i dunno what to do :(
i try and think of the good things but i just cant anymore.
Aw Robyn - I know, it sucks - the last few weeks are so hard, I know - I've been there and it seems endless at the time.

The only advice I can offer is to try and fill your time - go out for walks, tidy out cupboards ready for baby, do some cleaning, meet friends etc etc - if you sit around waiting, you'll drive yourself mad!

Valentine xxx
:shakehead: nope sorry im not having it, you due you baby on mybirthday and this year i WILL have a forum baby born on my birthday!!!!!!

Seriously though hun iknow how you feel, Kerry Katona was due after me and she had he baby before me and i was gutted she got her baby first. Your time will come hun, and before you know it you'll be looking back in a few months time and wondering where you tiny little baby has gone, i know i do :hug: .
You are due the day before me so if you are gonna go so am I!!!! I had a midwife appointment today too and was trying to get her to let me know if he was starting to engage but she kind of avoided it - weird. He is head down so im hoping he is on his way down.
i know how you feel, i have been hoping she will come ealry from the off. lol. what i have done tho is wait to decorate my house including nursery so i know have to strip walls and paint in my kitchen, landing/stairs, my bedroom (which also needs plastering as wall fell apart wen started and nursery. hopefully over the next 3/4 weeks this will speed things up and i have found that becus im like no she cant come yet i havent decorated such and such its great lol.

im also secretly hoping that sod's law will mean she comes wen i have loads do. :D

i have bought all the decorating stuff i just have to get up each day and do something.

im also secretly wishing the time away cus my DD goes bk to school 1 day before im due and the summer holidays are driving me insane.

i just hope it goes quickly, i mean i have been getting on with decorating which has made the last 6 weeks go really quickly, but like
we have nearly done, all we have to do is finish the gloss painting and get the carpets down and its basically all done
but after that we are getting bubs moses basket and clothes out and doing all that :) :cheer: :cheer:
i know how you feel hun! im just wishing the days will go faster but they seem to be going slower.
but we still have things to do so i guess that will help to!


post natal?

i was feeling like that last coupe weeks but u i went over by 8days also.those 30days may seem yonks but it will fly by very quickly just hang in there :)

have some cake and a drink of tea or soemthing and rest up :) u gonna need it once babys here :D
wow robyn I feel the EXACT same I was so peeved that Myleen Class had her baby (well jelous TBH). She was due the same day as me. :evil:

I'm due 3 weeks today and I finished work last week, sometimes I feel very lonely and can't wait till my hubby gets home at night. I bounce on my ball and drink Rasberry leaf tea, but nothing yet. I guess LO will come when it's ready.

I've got everything ready - baby room ready, bag packed and nothing else left to buy. I wish i'd left myself something to do to make the time go faster. If you feel like a chat send me a PM. :hug:

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