Tony Blair


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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He's now saying that some single parents benefits may get stopped forcing them into work! I understand that they want to encourage this but once again they are not looking after their own! women who are unfortunately single need these benefits yet (and please dont think this is for one second racist as i am definately not) they are welcoming people from other countries with open arms and giving them the houses the money etc. When will he start looking after his own country and the people already in it!
i have the lowest opinion on this 'man' hes not fit to be walkin around this place after sendin so many troops to their death over absolutely nothin

as for this stoppin benefits etc, i think he should try his hand at bein a single parent without his luxuries and see how easy it is for him to find a job, look after the kids etc etc :x :x
yep doesnt he realise that being a parent is harder than any job he has ever had, yeah he has kids but im dam sure he doesnt look after them. I bet he'd crash and burn after 2 days of living the single mothers life i have so much respect for single mums and its not as if they ask to be, nobody wants to be on their own with a baby but sometimes it happens i would love to stamp on his head!
exactly, hes probably just held his kids as babies then hired a nanny to look after them - THATS CHEATING!!!!
him and his stupid wife need to p*ss off out of the government and let someone who knwos what theyre doin take over and pull this shitty country back out from the gutter!!!!! :x :x :x
in 1 end i completly agree with u guys some people have no way of working without most the money going on child care etc
im lucky i have my family
on the the other hand someone i went to skool with fell pregnant for the sake of the house n money this does annoy and her poor kid u just wanna cuddle him and feel so sorry for hi
i agree sarah, wat i dont agree with is that ppl who need it are in jepardy of losing everything
I agree
The man who usually drives my local bus is polish and he cant even speak english
if they want to live in this country and take our benefits they should at least be able to speak english and follow our ways!!!
Ive always hated Tony Blair and cant wait for him to leave, as long as he has money then hes happy, he doesnt care about anyone but himself!
Ok don't want to get politial as I don't want to upset anyone.

I am married to a foreigner myself :D My husband is Dutch but he has always worked since he has lived here in fact that is why he came here in the first place as he was offered a job. He can speak English very well now but he would be the first to tell you that it wasn't brilliant when he came to live her.

At least the polish bus driver IS working and therefore contributing to this country. England would not have survived historically if it wasn't for people coming over to this country to work (look back at the Irish coming over here and the hostile reception they got) etc. That doesn't mean I am crusading for immegrants illegal or otherwise.

Like I said don't want to upset anyone and I hope I haven't offended anyone. :D :D
Alfiesmummy said:
He's now saying that some single parents benefits may get stopped forcing them into work!

Only when the kids are 12 years old. Surely if you have a 12 year old you could get a part-time job? My neighbour is a single mom and she does nothing all day while her 12, 14, and 15 year old are at school.
I agree with Alfie's mummy in that nobody aims to be a single parent, and we never know what life will throw at us, any of us could be a single parent.
I don't think the Government are aiming to penalise decent women who are doing their best to bring their family up. I think it is aiming at people like my Aunt, who has had 6 babies by six different men and has purposely (she has admitted) kept producing offsrping to ensure benefits until she nearly reaches a pensionable age.
She is not a fit mother and it is appalling that she is allowed to have so many children that she can not properly care for. It may deter people like her if they think the benefits would dry up a bit earlier.
sadly, it is the governments strategies that are aimed at people like her that also hit decent, hard-working single mums. And by hard working, I don't just mean those in employment...I mean those that are unable to work for whatever reason, but still use their benefits as best as they can to provide a good home and life for their children.
By the way...I wont be voting labour either....tories scare me too, although cameron claims to be family friendly.
the trouble is the government are having to let some foreigners in that work coz of the lazy gits in this country who don't get jobs and sponge of society all their lives.
The country does need workers wherever they may be from to keep the revenue up.

Personally id rather have a drink i a pub with a foreigner that works in this country and putting something into the country than a britt that sits on its arse all day claiming dole all its life draining the country.

upon saying that if people want to live and work here then learn the fooking language too.

about the single parent thing - i agree with urchin.
budge said:
the trouble is the government are having to let some foreigners in that work coz of the lazy gits in this country who don't get jobs and sponge of society all their lives.
The country does need workers wherever they may be from to keep the revenue up.

Personally id rather have a drink i a pub with a foreigner that works in this country and putting something into the country than a britt that sits on its arse all day claiming dole all its life draining the country.

here here
Im not going to get into it because il have a massive rant and il get angry lol...this is something that really does my head in ! :x
I agree with you 100%

I also think that Tony Blair is a complete w@nk*r!!! :lol:
Im gonna agree with cassi on this one, i was so pi***d off when this came on the news and i only feel i will get into trouble if i open my big mush so, hey ho all i will say Blair is a complete and utter tw*t :D
urchin said:
Alfiesmummy said:
He's now saying that some single parents benefits may get stopped forcing them into work!

Only when the kids are 12 years old. Surely if you have a 12 year old you could get a part-time job? My neighbour is a single mom and she does nothing all day while her 12, 14, and 15 year old are at school.

I was going to add that it's only when the children reach 11 years old (is it 12 now?) but anyway like Urchin I have a neighbour who's children are all well into high school and 1 is now working full time yet she's claiming benefits and if you saw the state of her house/garden, she does nothing all day - I think the aged 12 and get a job rule is perfectly acceptable. The children are by then in school from 9am till 4pm it's plenty of hours to get even say a 10am-2pm job to top up income, your benefits won't stop completely but you should be supplimenting them by the time your youngest child is 11/12 otherwise I have to say I think it's utter lazyness unless you are in a situation where your partner/husband earns enough to keep you at home without claiming benefits. I know that sounds harsh and some people 'deserve' benefits but a heck of a lot of people dont (mine and Urchin's neighbours are just 2 of many, many, many who don't!!) so why not make people contribute to society.

As for the whole immigrant thing that's kinda off topic really but laws are being introduced now where by every person entering the UK to live/work from another country MUST attend compulsory English lessons. It's not much but it might be a step in the right direction?!
I agree with everything you say Nicola!!
Me too! (agree with nicola)

Why cant parents work, single or not, when the kids are a bit older? Surely the goal of any parent is not only to provide security and basic life essentials, but to set a good example with good work ethics?

I was brought up in a single parent family, on a council estate, and while it was the best life university it was also rubbish seeing my obese mother sitting on her arse all day doing nothing, relying on benefits, paid for by the working people, to feed her fat face while we had nothing.

It makes me so fecking angry when I see other people doing the same thing.

And please, lets leave the immigrant subject out of this, its way to emotive and some of the comments already made have made me so angry im restraining my fingers as I type lol. Its unrelated, completely.
i agree with the above, the benefit system is here in this country for when you fall on hard times NOT as an alternative to going to work.

The prime responsibility for supporting your family should be your own, yet if circumstances dictate you cant the benefit system is there to help you through those times.

Although i'm not a fan of Blair, i read it as enabling the majority of lone parents who want to work, back into work, and only stopping benefits to those who have no intention of ever working and see the benefit system of a way to finance their and their families life.

The scroungers place a burden on all of us, those who work, who end up paying more taxes and those genuine people that as a result of circumstance find themselves in need of they're benefits are soo low!

Setting a good example to your kids is paramount to break the 'cycle' you see in areas of deprivation, and i was pleased to see that the proposals included access to unpaid work also.

I too was raised on a council estate, in quite abject poverty but we were set a good example by our parents.

With regard to the immegrant argument, more people leave this country every year than move to it, so its hardly causing a problem!

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