tonight 9pm Channel 5

i posted about this but noone replied or maybe i just missed it lol

sorry but that was slightyl over the top of me
I actually enjoyed the programme (Kina you should have watched it). Yes they were extreme but it was good to see attachment parenting, as I have only really read about it or chatted with other APers on a forum. The EC was very interesting, not for me but I think thats because I couldn't have my cloth nappies plus the noise they made for a wee is the same one I use to call my cat in :rotfl:

Kx I got mine from and it is so comfy. I find it so much easier to carry Seren in this then on my hip, her weight is distributed across my back and I can carry her for ages with it.
They look amazing but I feel Rebecca would love that position for ripping my long hair out! Considering it tho! Thanx

Ok, some aren't going to like this, but I found it revolting bf a 5 year old! it just didn't look right. :puke:
thank god i wasnt the only one i think its ok to BF till 2 but older especially wen the kid could be in skool just dont seem right
Seren tends to just chew on the straps and leaves my hair alone but if I wear a necklace that can prove a bit too much temptation. Iif you really like a mei tei (the babyhawk is one) then Petchy also makes them, and they look great. There is also the pouch sling, I got mine (the stripey one) from here. I find this one great especially when Seren gets tired as I can just turn her from the buddha carry (facing out) to the cradle carry with minimum of fuss. Saying that she sleeps really well in the babyhawk too.
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
thank god i wasnt the only one i think its ok to BF till 2 but older especially wen the kid could be in skool just dont seem right

they weren't in school as they are home schooled.
yeah i ment they could have been in skool at 5 sorry i didnt explain it wll lol

u know a sling does it hurt ya bck wot age can a kid go in them till?
That husband was freaking me out. He was leary. If I had been a woman at that bf competition i would have been furious. I really thought he was being slimy about the viz t-shirt and how he was looking forward to all those boobs being out. People like that would put me off bf in public.
beanie said:
I actually enjoyed the programme (Kina you should have watched it). Yes they were extreme but it was good to see attachment parenting, as I have only really read about it or chatted with other APers on a forum. The EC was very interesting, not for me but I think thats because I couldn't have my cloth nappies plus the noise they made for a wee is the same one I use to call my cat in :rotfl:

Kx I got mine from and it is so comfy. I find it so much easier to carry Seren in this then on my hip, her weight is distributed across my back and I can carry her for ages with it.

Extreme Makeover is on for 2 hours! I can't stay up til 11pm watching that! Is really sad though as it's about a girl with a brain disorder :cry:

I did watch some of it. EC'ing, well not really caught on that idea. When do you stop doing the peeing signals? I know in some cultures that babies are completely trained by the time they are a year old because it's considered dirty for them to be peeing and pooping everywhere and in China it's popular because in a lot of areas they can't afford nappies. Can't really see it catching on majorly over here though!
I felt that the narrator was very sarcastic, felt like slapping the bint! :lol:
I thought that it was a good program, I knew that it would be against AP because it's channel 5 but it raised a few good questions in our household about when I will stop breastfeeding and on homeschooling. I do feel that children need to socialise, but I don't think that a school environment is a productive one for gaining social skills!
Some gorgeous slings on there though :D
til about 4, there was a woman in the programme who was carrying her 4 year old in a sling. I think it depends on size of baby though
my friend gave me a sling coz she never used it, i havent used it outside the house, but if i'm making a bottle or something and hayden keeps crying i put him in and carry on (i've even washed up!) he loves it and is really contented..i think coz hes near my heartbeat! its brill!
seee B is a Biggen lol
i would really like one but im a bit worried about if he would like it etc n sleeping
he didnt like the one he had as a newborn
Yeah they like to feel close to you, and hearing the heartbeat reminds them of being in the womb. I love having her in the sling as I find I can show her more and I can rabbit on at her without realising she has gone to sleep. My OH doesn't like babywearing though so we do often have a row about whether she is going in the sling or her buggy.
Kina said:
beanie said:
I actually enjoyed the programme (Kina you should have watched it). Yes they were extreme but it was good to see attachment parenting, as I have only really read about it or chatted with other APers on a forum. The EC was very interesting, not for me but I think thats because I couldn't have my cloth nappies plus the noise they made for a wee is the same one I use to call my cat in :rotfl:

Kx I got mine from and it is so comfy. I find it so much easier to carry Seren in this then on my hip, her weight is distributed across my back and I can carry her for ages with it.

Extreme Makeover is on for 2 hours! I can't stay up til 11pm watching that! Is really sad though as it's about a girl with a brain disorder :cry:

I did watch some of it. EC'ing, well not really caught on that idea. When do you stop doing the peeing signals? I know in some cultures that babies are completely trained by the time they are a year old because it's considered dirty for them to be peeing and pooping everywhere and in China it's popular because in a lot of areas they can't afford nappies. Can't really see it catching on majorly over here though!
I felt that the narrator was very sarcastic, felt like slapping the bint! :lol:
I thought that it was a good program, I knew that it would be against AP because it's channel 5 but it raised a few good questions in our household about when I will stop breastfeeding and on homeschooling. I do feel that children need to socialise, but I don't think that a school environment is a productive one for gaining social skills!
Some gorgeous slings on there though :D

:rotfl: I was checking out the slings too. And the EC lady, I was thinking, hmm wonder what nappy he is wearing. The narrator did my head in but I ignored her in the end.
In the programme the lady said that she stopped making the pee signals when her son was 21 months old, which is appealing but they are meant to potty train earlier in cloth so think I will stick to that.
fran_23 said:
OMG these ppl need help!!!
that kid pooed all over the floor! just put a nappy on him you cruel woman!!!! ugh what is wrong with people!!

her son did wear nappies at times, just not all the time. Seren is often without a nappy (not for EC, just because I like to give her nappy free time) and has weed all over my carpet and OH :rotfl: And I know Kina's daughter pooed (who could forget the sweetcorn tale :rotfl: )
i must admit i had just turned on the tv when the poo incident occured and i posted straight away, i hadnt got the whole story on ec...still think it seems like whole lot of effort when you can potty train quicker when babies been in nappies.

ooh i forget to add i do agree with nappy free time..they need some air on they're little bums and bits..i let hayden wriggle round on his changing mat and he's fountained me a few times, so i can imagine when they are more active you get accidents..hehe
im still in the middle of watching :)

ewww that woman holding a tub over her babies bum..

i just dont understand it. eg a lady had a 10day old baby laying on top of a nappy waiting for it to wee/pooh. so why not just do the nappy up?
i dont understand it? every other thing they do i see their points ect not that i agree with it but i understand why they do it just not the nappy thing?

ps Kx my sling is from
yeah that woman with the 10 day old was trying to learn what faces he makes when hes gonna wee or poo so shed know in future and be able to leave him without a nappy!
i dont get it either wouldnt it save a lot of time and effort to just use nappies..and then potty train! i dont see what benefit baby is getting, yeah they might not have the costriction of a nappy all day but they have the mum constantly worrying if they are gonna poo or wee and that must be stressful!
fran_23 said:
i must admit i had just turned on the tv when the poo incident occured and i posted straight away, i hadnt got the whole story on ec...still think it seems like whole lot of effort when you can potty train quicker when babies been in nappies.

ooh i forget to add i do agree with nappy free time..they need some air on they're little bums and bits..i let hayden wriggle round on his changing mat and he's fountained me a few times, so i can imagine when they are more active you get accidents..hehe

It was so much easier when Seren was smaller, I could put her on a towel and she would stay there. Now she's on the other side of the room peeing on the carpet before I know it. :D
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
seee B is a Biggen lol
i would really like one but im a bit worried about if he would like it etc n sleeping
he didnt like the one he had as a newborn

what type of sling was it. I had the mothercare multi carrier one and Seren hated it, but she loves my sleepytoes and babyhawk ones.

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