beanie said:
I actually enjoyed the programme (Kina you should have watched it). Yes they were extreme but it was good to see attachment parenting, as I have only really read about it or chatted with other APers on a forum. The EC was very interesting, not for me but I think thats because I couldn't have my cloth nappies plus the noise they made for a wee is the same one I use to call my cat in
Kx I got mine from and it is so comfy. I find it so much easier to carry Seren in this then on my hip, her weight is distributed across my back and I can carry her for ages with it.
Extreme Makeover is on for 2 hours! I can't stay up til 11pm watching that! Is really sad though as it's about a girl with a brain disorder
I did watch some of it. EC'ing, well not really caught on that idea. When do you stop doing the peeing signals? I know in some cultures that babies are completely trained by the time they are a year old because it's considered dirty for them to be peeing and pooping everywhere and in China it's popular because in a lot of areas they can't afford nappies. Can't really see it catching on majorly over here though!
I felt that the narrator was very sarcastic, felt like slapping the bint!
I thought that it was a good program, I knew that it would be against AP because it's channel 5 but it raised a few good questions in our household about when I will stop breastfeeding and on homeschooling. I do feel that children need to socialise, but I don't think that a school environment is a productive one for gaining social skills!
Some gorgeous slings on there though