I feel useless!


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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Its Josh's halloween party at nursery today and I've just dropped him off, he's wearing an all in one skeleton costume with the mask to match but when we walked in all the other kids had really imaginative costumes on with their faces painted and everything. A few of the mums and dads looked at me as though I just couldnt be bothered and it really got to me :cry:

I thought he looked great but the parents at that nursery are all...well I dont want to use the word snobs but thats what they're like. Two kids had the same outfit on and you should've seen the looks the dads were giving each other :shock:

Anyway, heres his costume...

I think he looks brill kirsty dont worry what other people think! My son has the same outfit as that an i think it looks great!
'Sod em' is what i say!!
i think he looks really brill hun, i wouldnt care what other people say as long as you thought he looked good hope he had a nice time anyway
He looks great, but the most important thing is that he liked his costume, stuff everyone else!
Aww he looks brill
Sod the other parents, don't let them get to you hun :hug:
He looks fab, don't worry about other people hun. If they have petty, silly little competitions between themselves then so what.
A mom who cant be bothered is one who either does not take them in the first place or who does not dress them in anything. I am with everyone else stuff them. BTW my daughter went to a snobby nursery but now she is at school most people are lovely and down to earth and she and I have made many new friends :D
he looks adorable hun. by the way Joshua was a skeleton for the second year running in the same costume as last year. liam was a pumpkin, god bless tesco.

I think he looks real good, hate parenst like that its like they have nothing better to do then stick there nose up.

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