Tommie tippie closer to nature breast pump updated 27th july


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Has anyone used this...

i currently have a electric pump and im not getting on with it at all.. im findin hand expressing gets more milk off than this pump, its crap,

ive heard good reports about the tommie tippi one so was just wondering what you girls think of it before i buy one..

im getting frustrated about not getting my milk off,
hi emmylou..

is the flow ok with it, i used tommie tippie one before, the green one, cant remember the name, and i didnt get on with that either..nothing would come out!

do u think i could be doing something wrong..
i used that one and hated it, and it was such a annoying tjing to wash especially 2 or 3 times in the night, i used the medla (sp) one from hospital hand and electric, but saying this i gave up in the end as it was too painful and i was expressing enough, hope you find one that suits you :hug:
SSS - I found that no pump would get any milk out of me. Whether I was doing it wrong or my boobs were too small :oops: I don't know.
So I hand expressed.
It seems awkward at first but you soon get to grips with how to do it quickly.

I wish I had kept it up to be honest, OH saw me doing it once (I used to hid and do it in the morning) and was in fits of giggles. I know he meant well but I was so embarassed I didn't so it again after that.

I think I would have breastfed longer had I kept it up :(
monster_munch said:
SSS - I found that no pump would get any milk out of me. Whether I was doing it wrong or my boobs were too small :oops: I don't know.
So I hand expressed.
It seems awkward at first but you soon get to grips with how to do it quickly.

I wish I had kept it up to be honest, OH saw me doing it once (I used to hid and do it in the morning) and was in fits of giggles. I know he meant well but I was so embarassed I didn't so it again after that.

I think I would have breastfed longer had I kept it up :(

im glad im not the only one, not glad that you couldnt carry on though hun..

did you find when hand expressing it dripped down ya fingers and completly missed the bottle, cos thats where im going wrong, im so wet after hardly any gets in the bottle, as for oh he doesnt have a choice but to watch me, i will say he will say things like.. eww pulling at ya udders again :rotfl:

It took practice, and a large bowl!!! :rotfl:

I found I tended to keep my hand very close to my nipple which made it drip down my hand :roll:

It's been a while, so I can't help too much - would recommend having a chat with your HV (specially if they'll come and visit you) and ask for help.

I would be interested to see what you end up doing hun, will definitely keep it in mind for when this LO comes :hug:
Ive not used that one but i found the Avent one good when i was feeding my boy 2 years ago the hand one not electric one, i use to get 4-5oz out no problem with that one just need to make sure you get right on and there are no air gaps stopping the suction. I still have mine and will use it again this time round for hubby to feed baby sometimes :hug:
sunshinestars said:
hi emmylou..

is the flow ok with it, i used tommie tippie one before, the green one, cant remember the name, and i didnt get on with that either..nothing would come out!

do u think i could be doing something wrong..

Sorry hun only just seend this.
I found the flow was great, in fact the slower I pumped the more my milk flowed :D I started by pumping like 1..1..1..1..1..1 then changed to 1.....1.....1.....1....1.....and got so much more out & quicker.
I didn't try any other manual pump so don't know how it compares to others, but I really got on well with it.
I got a Mendala Electric Pump too, but only used that once.
monster_munch said:
SSS - I found that no

I wish I had kept it up to be honest, OH saw me doing it once (I used to hid and do it in the morning) and was in fits of giggles. I know he meant well but I was so embarassed I didn't so it again after that.

I think I would have breastfed longer had I kept it up :(


Hi, I used the Avent one and it's very good once you get a good seal and get going. Have to keep tipped forward though or it spills out!

Monster Munch - Ignore your OH! Sometimes blokes have no idea, I used to be embarassed about stuff like this but have recently thought I'm trying to do my best so sod it! :hug: :hug:
My oh found it hilarious and took the mickey but he didnt know how to react to it at the time it being our first child, but i know he is very comfortable with breastfeeding now and pumps in general.So im not worried about it.

Sorry for going off topic :oops:
monster_munch said:

It took practice, and a large bowl!!! :rotfl:

I found I tended to keep my hand very close to my nipple which made it drip down my hand :roll:

It's been a while, so I can't help too much - would recommend having a chat with your HV (specially if they'll come and visit you) and ask for help.

I would be interested to see what you end up doing hun, will definitely keep it in mind for when this LO comes :hug:

so you used a bowl, and heres me trying to aim in the bottle.. no wonder im going wrong lmao.. i will keep you updated, in fact if you look in feeding topic i have just updated in there about whats gone in the last 24 hours...

But when my pump arrives i'll let you know how i get on with it, mark seems to think its gonna be the same and a waste of money, he thinks no pump is any good to me, but we shall see.. i should have it by wednesday :cheer:

Sorry hun only just seend this.
I found the flow was great, in fact the slower I pumped the more my milk flowed I started by pumping like 1..1..1..1..1..1 then changed to 1.....1.....1.....1....1.....and got so much more out & quicker.
I didn't try any other manual pump so don't know how it compares to others, but I really got on well with it.
I got a Mendala Electric Pump too, but only used that once.

I found that too on the hospital one i used, at first i started quite fast and then i slowed down and got more out.. again i'll let you know how we get on when it arrives.. i hope i can find one that works, if not i have my eye on one that hospitals use, its £55 but prepared to give it a shot!

thanks for all the replys girls... :hug:
SSS with all due respect you cant keep buying pumps hunni, theres no point, if a couple dont work the dont waste your money. Just stick to hand expressing.
Put your pumps on ebay, 2nd pumps are sold on there and peopple will buy them.

You could of bought a tommee tippee one in a shop,m you would of got it quicker
hand expressing takes ages though, and i dont have the time to do it... theres got to be a pump out there than i can get on with..

i have put my electric pump on ebay now..
and i cant afford to buy one from the shop thats why i bought it off ebay, it was only £10 including postage and they are £28 in the shops, no point buying from a shop if i cant use it.. :think:
i get on great with it.. wahoo.. :dance:

i express 4-5oz;s off each time, found if you do it slowly it gets better and more milk is realsed.. i express 3 times a day and bailey still feeds from me throughout the day, so my milk is welll and truly come in now...

I only express for if im going out.. i cant feed him in public, :roll: but i think im finally ok with the whole breastfeeding now! :cheer:
thats great news! i got a pump off ebay too.. its an adjustable suction one.. so im hoping it will work for me as i have flat nipples.. mw said after a few days my nipples wont be flat anymore.. so fingers rossed i can just bf :)
I had flat nipples too. In fact using the breast pump (tomme tippee one) was the only thing initially that allowed Ellie to latch on, until I was shown how to draw the nipple out first. On the breast pump subject. I started of with the Tommee Tippee one, and found it fine but very tiring when I was pumping of a lot of milk for Ellie at nursery. I switched to the Avent Isis one, and that I found easier as I didn't have to pump as much to get the same amount off. With the Tommee Tippee one, I had to constantly pump, whereas the Avent on I could pump and hold, pump and hold once I had started to let down.
Can i ask why you are expressing so often..i started expressing a lot and ended up with mastitus when Dylan slept through..i now only feed when i have to .I used to express all the time to go out but with time you do get the fuck em attitude...i really never thought i would but i have now

glad you have found a pump that works though

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