Tommee Tippee Monitor + sensor mat


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Posted this in product reviews, but only one person replied :cry:

We have used the Tommee Tippee Monitor from day one for Elora and it has worked perfectly, until now. Over the past few weeks the alarm has been sounding because it cant detect her breathing/movement.

My heart goes into my mouth when in hear the alarm. I give her a little tap to wake her up, to check if shes alright and shes fine. Just the monitor being stupid. We think it has something to do with the fact she breaths really lightly while in deep sleep.

Just wondering if anyone else has had problems with it?
I have the same one but never had a problem with it and jakob, like alan, breaths very lightly in his sleep, maybe its faulty? take it back and change it hun, also write a letter of complaint... :hug:
I made a post about something similar last week but deleted it as i didnt want anyone worrying about their own. Iv got the angel monitor and sensor mat and its fantastic until last week when the alarm sounded my feet didnt touch the floor i flew up the stairs but what had happened was hed wriggled from the bottom right up to the top and rolled onto his side and the mat couldnt detect him, i was in bits for days thinking of my thoughts running up the stairs that my little boy was gone, frightening i can understand how you feel each time it goes off, it sounds like a faulty model as it should pick up even lightest of movements, when we got ours i stod there about two meters away blowing at it just to double check it was sensitive enough :roll: :roll: write a letter telling them and they will replace it as it is terrifying hearing that alarm poor you hun :hug:
I have to say mine is brillaint. Even when she's shuffled off the mat it still clicks, she must be a heavy breather, she's certainly a fidget!

It must be worrying when it goes off, I would definitely exchange it :)
I have the same monitor and the same thing happens with mine - I posted about it a while back hun, but can't be bothered to search through all posts for it - sorry!

Basically tho, Jacob moves a lot in his sleep especially as he is now a lot more active and we find that if he moves away from the monitor it will sound, could it be that your LO is moving and there is only a small part of their body being detected by the monitor?

I have had more terrors than I wish for, running in to check on him and he is fine.

Thanks for your replys girls. I decided to mess about witht he wires etc and have a massive shout at the monitor at 4am in the morning and stupidly enough it seems to be working great at the moment. (touches wood)

Thought it was to do with her always moving in her sleep so I kept playing witht he monitor and ajusting it.

If it goes of for no reason again though I think im going to have the monitor splatterd all over the walls lol :)

We also have that monitor but as Olivia's mattress is a sprung one we had to make an adjustment inside the monitor pad - do you have a thick mattress or a foam one? DH did it and it was fairly simple, the instructions said exactly what to do and explained if you need to do this.

If it works fine after you played with the wires hun then the wiring is faulty and you can play with them and they will be fine but not for long....they will soon move back and play up so id really take it back hun...
I agree with Cassi, if you need to fiddle with the wires then you need to take it back!
you were right girls the stupid alarm went off again last night. Im going to take it back :(

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