Told OH we're pregnant today!!!

Tracey M

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2010
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First of all Merry Xmas to all!! Just wanted to share...... I got my BFP on Wednesday but decided to wait till xmas to tell DH. I thought better to do it late last night after wrapping all the pressies and setting up new tv. Dont want kids to find out till after 12 week scan. Anyway I said to him I have a pressie for you I want you to have now (1.30am) and not in morning. He said but I dont have one for you and I said.... Oh yes you have! I gave him a card with daddy to be on the front, which did not read! Inside id wrapped my first response from Wednesday and he was just feeling it, trying to guess. I said read the poem.....girls I "stole" the poem from kezzamunster from the Am I Pregnant forum (thanks Kezza) and he read it then he swooped me up in a big hug and kiss and was just over the moon! He Cant believe it!!

As today was my official testing day and my first response from Wednesday was just a faint line, I poas this morning with fmu and now my line is as dark as control YAY!!! Showed it to Joe and he said aahh, now I really see the lines lol. I have however been feeling really queezy and a bit dizzy today, hope I dont start being sick. When I was pregnant with Joshua, I always felt sick but never was... Oh and my back is KILLING ME. I have 2 prolapsed disks and now its just agony and I Cant take my painkillers now. Got hot water bottle that will have to do!

Anyway, Im not moaning, cos it means Im pregnant wahay:-D

Have a lovely day girls, hope to chat soon xxx
Just the best thing to read on Christmas day :)
Big congrats again on you BFP, you deserve it my lovely
Just think you got your BFP this Christmas & your have your lil one with you next Christmas
iv been thinking about you all day tracey and cudnt wait for Lo to go to bed so i could read this thread :)
woop woop x x merry crimbo to you :)
im so happy for you! BIG congratz to you and your husband!! :love:
Awww, that's lovely. What's the poem? I can't find it x x
This was the poem:

I do not have a face to see or for you to put inside a frame
I do not have soft cheeks to kiss, I don't yet have a name
you can't hold my tiny hands nor whisper in my ear
it's still too soon to sing a song or cuddle me so near
but all will change in 9 months time when I am due
I'm your new baby son or daughter & I can't wait to meet you

Just fab & so glad Traceys OH got to read it, it's just perfect

awww thats soooo sweet!!

congratulations n good luck hun!

Awww how sweet . Congratulations to you both! Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy xx
What an amazing xmas pressie :) Huge congrats!! Yay!! Xx
Hurrah! Logged on just to see if you had let us know yet how it went. Am so pleased for you both. What a wonderful xmas pressie! xxxxx

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