Toddler won't drink anything but milk!


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2012
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My 19 month old used to happily drink water, squash and juice in addition to milk but for the last 2 months she refuses to drink anything other than milk. I have tried refusing to give her any milk other than at breakfast and bedtime but she will refuse to drink the rest of the day and ends up with dry nappies which is a worry so I am in catch 22! Has anyone else had a similar problem? Any advice? X
Yes. I've had similar with my daughter. My advice would be to just go with it. It's better for her to be hydrated and just having milk than it is for her to not have any fluids. Possibly give food first then the milk so she doesn't end up only having milk and no food though xx
How odd h Harry is going through just the same at the mo I'm lucky if I can get sum squash in him in the morn then it's milk milk milk!!

My daughter was the same. She wouldn't drink anything else either and that went on till she was about 3. Now she never drinks it lol only drinks water xxx
Is the milk cold from the fridge? Maybe try putting water in the fridge incase it's the cool refreshing temp she's after! I much prefer any drink as cold as possible... Except tea of course! Lol
We have one of those filter fridge jugs from wilko and it's great !!

What's wrong with cold tea Jo :lol:
Yeah tried the fridge trick but no luck! If I let her drink lukewarm decaf tea she downs it very fast and it is a great way of getting something in her other than milk but I feel like a bad mum if I give her it as loads of people disapprove lol x
It's decaf! Whatever makes her drink. Have you tried diluting her milk so she's having more water based diary?
My son loves aldi flavoured water - the kids no sugar ones - he has one occasionally as a treat - could be worth a go! Come in packs of 6 bottles like a fruit shoot but without all the sugars and nasties
Not tried diluting the milk but will give it a go. Apparently it isn't the caffeine in tea that is the problem, the tannin in tea stops absorption of iron etc but then again so does too much milk apparently! Will have a look for the water next time I am near Aldi, thanks :)

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