She won't drink


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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I started out really lucky when this warm weather came as Angel was still draining all her bottles (4 x 8oz bottles). At the moment she's taking 5oz (6 or 7 at a push) which is still ok but she won't take anything else. She won't drink water or baby juice. Am I ok to try squash or a bit of orange juice with water? Sugar free obviously. She still seems bright and alert and having wet nappies but I noticed the nappies aren't as full as they were iykwim? Should I be worried? xx
Grace is also bad, Wont take water, I've started just taking the fridge chill off her milk so it still abit cold and she's drinking more now

Dont know about squash but they do sell baby squash so I would have though really weak sugar free may be ok
I think I just figured out what was wrong with her with the milk, me and OH were too hot. Didn't even occur to me but me and OH have been boiling and just as a test I popped her in the crib and fed her lying down and she drained the lot. I know it's not ideal but I'd rather feed her lying down and her take some milk than not at all. xx.
Cam is really bad at drinking. I don't think you are supposed to use squash for babies but I actually resorted to putting a teeeeny dash into his water to make him drink it and he drained 4oz!! I felt guilty though although I guess it's better than dehydration :eh:
Yeah that's what I thought Princess, that's its better than nothing :S so confusing at this stage about what they can/can't have :( I put a tiny dash of orange juice into 4oz of water, made no difference to be honest she had a couple of little sips and that was it. xx
That's a good thought about them being too hot to drink whilst being held- I was feeding ethan out on Wednesday and we were boiling and he was really fussy about it! Popped him in the pram and he was quite happy and all but finished it!
I just lay James on my lap, have had to since birth and he's always warn and so am I if I cradle him he only takes 5-6oz if he just lays on me he takes a full 9oz!!!! Xx

Just out of interest are you trying to give her the water in a bottle? Savannah will only drink milk from a bottle we got her a tommy tippee beaker at 4 months and she used to use it a little. When she turned six months we got a her a ninth beaker and now she drinks really well. We sometimes mix a little orange juice or cranberry juice with water and Savannah loves it. I think as long as its watered down its fine

The nuby cup really did help though.. she would never take water from a bottle. And it has a tip sort of like a teat so it makes the transition a lot easier.

I heart nuby lol
Just out of interest are you trying to give her the water in a bottle? Savannah will only drink milk from a bottle we got her a tommy tippee beaker at 4 months and she used to use it a little. When she turned six months we got a her a ninth beaker and now she drinks really well. We sometimes mix a little orange juice or cranberry juice with water and Savannah loves it. I think as long as its watered down its fine

The nuby cup really did help though.. she would never take water from a bottle. And it has a tip sort of like a teat so it makes the transition a lot easier.

I heart nuby lol

Yeah in a bottle hun I've had 4 different beakers I've tried and she just won't take to it at the moment lol it's a nightmare. She took some from the bottle today when I just lay her on our bed and in the pushchair so I think it's the heat aggravating her. I'm still persevering with the beakers and keeping them out at mealtimes so she should take to it eventually. I'll try the nuby you mentioned though hun thank you xx
That's ok :)

Yeah s was the same. But she seemed to get on with nuby, as I said I think it was the soft teat like top that helped.

Glad to hear she's feeding better when led down. It's horrible sometimes when we just don't know what to do
junior wont drink without a big fuss atm, hes not loving the heat atall ha
Hayley I bought a couple of nuby bottles this afternoon and she got on fine with her milk so I'll try her with something else tomorrow, cheers for the advice :) xx
Aww I'm glad they helped. I know we tried so many types too.

I got three more today from boots... For some reason the stage 2 cups went through at 50p each! Result! :)

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