Toddler is not fun anymore


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
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I don't know if it's terrible twos, new baby or both, but my son just is not fun anymore. He's a nuisance to get to bed, he's a nuisance when he wakes up - he 'cries' until we go to him or until the Gro-clock wakes up. During the day it's nothing but tantrum after tantrum. He's lashes out at his dad - kicks him, head butts him, slaps him and shouts at him.

He used to be (and can be) such a good little boy and I miss that boy so much.

I could cry.

Seeing my HV on Monday for post-natal check re. new baby but going to ask her for advice on my son too as I'm having to walk away from him a lot as otherwise I'd really lose my patience with him. I just don't know what to do.

Calm down corner and positive reinforcements just aren't working.

I miss my good boy :-(
No positive stories here I'm afraid.

Literally the day he turned two my sunny, laid back, chilled out little boy was replaced by a whiney, moany, tantruming mess....

We still have moments of him being calm and lovely but only on his terms. If he doesn't like something or want to do something then he lets us know. His eating is disgraceful (fussy) and every dinnertime is a battleground. Breakkie and lunch isn't too bad but he basically doesn't eat dinner anymore. Nappy changes and teeth brushing can be torture, depending on his mood. God forbid if we tell him no.

It's been 6 months now and we manage. James has come on amazingly in terms of speech and communication. But everyday we have melt downs and upset. The tantruming has calmed a bit but the incessant moaning continues. ... anything that displeases him warrants a good old moaning session!!!

He had his 2.5 year check a few months back and all was perfect and speaking to others I know with kids a bit older its all developmental.

I make it sound awful but to be honest I'm used to it. I tend to ignore the moaning and praise his good behaviour. Tantrums are thankfully consigned to the house and I leave him to it.

James is now used to Bee and adores her - after a luke warm reception - he doesn't show any negative behaviour towards her which is reassuring. He is also good with other kids.

Then one area I struggle with is his eating though and that is currently defeating me.

All I can say is hang in there. It will get better (I'll let you know when lol)

Urgh. Sorry you are going through it too. My boy is exact same as yours when it comes to food. Fine with breakfast and lunch but dinner is horrendous. At least once a week he has his two favourites pizza and spaghetti bolognese, just so I know he has two decent(ish) meals a week!

I think I just need to know how to deal with it. My daughter, like yours, doesn't nap during the day and she is very clingy so tending to my son is difficult (which is so sad for him and most likely brings on more tantrums). Luckily my OH works from home and can occasionally help out and step in when I'm about lose my rag.

I keep hoping it'll all automatically stop when he hits three :lol: The tantrums have to stop at some point!
I just wanted to join in and say you're not alone! My boy seems to spend more time on the naughty step than off at the moment :roll: I'm sick of the tantrums and moaning too. Yesterday he was in his high chair eating breakfast while I was feeding Aria. He announced he was finished and wanted to get "DOWN". I explained I was feeding Aria and he would need to wait a minute, I may have well have just lit the blue touch paper. He exploded into a massive tantrum and had me worried that him and high chair we're going to hit the deck :roll: During the day he threw brio at me, his shoes at me and refused to eat his tea (why is it always the evening meal that causes problems?)

He's at the Childminder today lol!
How's he taking to having a sister? My son was horrendous to start with, but he was poorly at the same time. He's now pretty accepting of her, though I am the only one who is allowed to hold her....
I could have written all of these myself. Sounds like it's a developmental thing and hopefully they will come out the other side soon!
How's he taking to having a sister? My son was horrendous to start with, but he was poorly at the same time. He's now pretty accepting of her, though I am the only one who is allowed to hold her....

He's fine with her, she doesn't do a lot, so she's been quite ignored.

He's really pushing boundaries right now, testing to see how far I can be pushed :wall2:
My boy has been really good this morning, which probably mean he'll be awful this afternoon. So glad the sun is out so he can get his energy out outside!

He gives his sister lots and lots of hugs and kisses now. Though he has shouted at her, told her to CALM DOWN! (It was quite funny actually haha, I wanted to say the same thing to her myself!).

I hope our toddlers get better behaved soon.

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