Toddler 2+ Nap Times


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2006
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How long does your toddler nap for in the day?

Caitlin will have one nap for 2 hours - 2 half hours roughly most times and I'm wondering if she'd napping to long!

Lunch at 11.15
Nap 12.30
Naturally awake any time from 2-3pm!

Well, Brandon is nearly 19 months so I don't know if I am much help but he has one nap a day around 11 or 12, depending what time he woke up in the morning and sleeps anywhere between an hour and 2 and a half hours. Normally 2 hours, the longer he sleeps the happier he is and still goes to bed at the same time at night and wakes in the morning so I can't see there being any harm, if the kid wants to sleep and it's not interrupting with the rest of their routine they why not let them sleep... Just my opinion :) x
Younger wasn't so bad at all but now she has active mornings - 5am active lol

Now in nursery she nas 45 mins to an hour much different from home.

Caitlin is getting really groggy and too much sleep can do this to us as well? I never wake her - I've rarely woke any of my girls but not sure if the napping should reduce slightly maybe I should avoid closing the blackouts at nap time.
No nap here :cry: Madam gave them up a year ago :(
Really! Can you remember what your lil man was like at 2.5?

At 2 years and 5 months Alex was still having his 2 hours at about that time, and by 2 years and 9 months he'd stopped napping. In his old nursery about 50% of the 3 yr olds in his group still had a nap time.
I'd be happy with no np or less of a nap! I honestly think she wakes groggy from them.

Do you girls shut their curtains at nap times (or did)?

Jack stopped napping the week he turned 1, That was a shock to the system I tell you!
Shock to my system even reading that :lol: Actually I think Caitlin did around then too but it didn't last long lol
Nell is 3 and a half and if we are in and doing something, she'll fall asleep on the sofa for about an hour. I prefer her not to cos she's a pain to get to bed then. Still, she likes her little sleeps x
Evie still has the two naps, one in the morning about 10ish and one in the afternoon about 3ish. Both last about an hr to an hr and a half.

When she's at nursery she has one nap at 12.30 and it lasts about 1 - 2 hrs, but she is always grumpy when I come to bath her etc once home as she's not had enough sleep but they can't give her a morning nap.

At home she gets between 2 - 3 hrs sleep in the day, sometimes longer if she has had a bad night xx
my dd stopped napping by about 18mnths just didnt want to yet my freinds girl will sleep for hours everymorning and she is 3 they all so indidvidual
Pippa why can't they give her a morning nap at nursery?

They put all the babies down at 12ish together in separte cots and turn the lights down ect so they all sleep at the same time. I've spoken to them many times about her having more sleep but they have activities going on each day (music makers, baby yoga etc) and they start at 10am, and when finished it's time for the lunches to be made etc so they just can't do it. It's a shame as it's the only issue I have with her nursery but I guess as she gets older her home routine will be more in-line with her nursery one, and she'll just have the one afternoon nap xx
Ive worked around nurserys routine - food etc but have to say they have a morning and afternoon nap in the babies room - Not all babies have morning but it is an option - they get use to sleeping with activity around them.

Eek I wouldn't be happy with that.

I've just decided to go with it, but at first I wasn't happy at all. It's a brilliant nursery otherwise (had an outstanding from Ofsted last two years) and she is really settled in there so I don't want to move her. She moves to the tiny tots room next door in June, so will have another key worker and I'll speak to them if still an issue. They have a much bigger room so maybe she could have a nap in the corner by herself in that room xx
Hiya rio is 2 an she has a nap at about 11 for 2 hours most days! xx​
Both my boys stopped napping at 18-19 months :( If Dec is ill he will take a quick 1/2 hours but apart from that nothing. He is up most morning at 6-6.30 and thats him straight through until 7.30 :(
My daughter stopped napping around 18 months,when twins were born.
Last 2 months she started getting very, very tired and has a nap on most days, it's probably from all the fighting and playing with her sisters :)

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