

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
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Whats everyone upto today?

I'm still packing for the move... still got loads to pack :( then might pop to the shops :)
I was gonna write a whingy post in adult area but I can't be assed... Nat decided - well, half decided, half was told to - work this weekend, from home, and had to work last night for an hour or 2 to make sure his laptop could connect to his work's network or something.

He got home late, Ryan was already asleep, and he ended up working til 3am. Hence I am awake, someone had to sort Ryan out when he woke at 5am and it damn weren't gonna be him after 2 hours sleep :roll:

He's got more work to do today which is supposedly going to take "an hour or 2" so that probably means he'll be doing it all day :roll:

So yeah :D My day will be spent getting annoyed at OH, and looking after Ryan :D

edit- 8.37am, OH still in bed... grr... hope you all have better weekend than me! :rotfl:
It's my OH's birthday today, we're going on a date LOL

My mum is having the kids this afternoon and we're gonna go to see "I Am Legend" then off to an all you can eat buffet type place that does chinese, indian and italian etc mmmmmm
Im not feeling too good so me and the girls are having a lazy day, might even stay in our PJ's lol

we aretaking Brooke to see High School Musical On Ice at sheffield
I am bored already, can't decide what to do, I was going to go into town but I walked so far with Clark yesterday that I have blisters on my feet!!
Brad is working then he is off to watch Birmingham play Chealsea, I might pop over to my moms :think:
going to tesco in abit to get my weekender loaf of bread. yum yum

then housework later i reckon
nothing during the day.. think i might sort my room/babys room out.

watching my phone for texts off jo lol

and tonight going out for a meal
I'm going to study and take the dog for a walk

Might bake some cranbery and whie chocolate cookies later..
I'm waiting for my shopping to be delivered! Then off to Newton Abbot to Matalan to get some bigger sized baby clothes as Finlay is outgrowing all of his 0-3 stuff :(

Tonight we're having a quiet night in where Finlay isn't being passed from my mum to my dad and then to my brother and back to my mum and so on so that he gets all aggravated and grumpy for us later!
had a huge list of things to get done... but that wont be happenin as ive got a rather bad hang over from lastnight :( me own fault lol

enjoying tea and shortbread for the time being lol
Well my OH was working til 3AM - came to bed at 5am, i got up for work at 7.30, back in at 12.30 and he still wasnt up. He still isnt up, he wants sex and i dont, i havent seen him properly since wednesday so i wanted to spend some quality time with him before he goes to work at 4.30 again until 3am!!!!

I might aswell live on my own, im dreading it when the baby is here, if he wont even get up to spend quality time with "the love of his life"

Im spending money i dont have just to keep me occupied.
I've just had my new dishwasher delivered and installed. Never had a dishwasher before, I'm well happy! :cheer: :dance:
eating chocolate and watching monster house with the boys (whilst browsing on here!)
I went to watch "the big match" Sheffield wednesday v's sheffield united, my OH is a mad wednesday fan and ive left him drinking and celebrating in the pub with his mates, can't be accused of keeping him like a caged animal today of all
Harrison is a mad united fan so ive had to pretend to be on his side Seem as they lost.
The pushchair and car seat arrived today so I've been playing with them!!!! OH got my doll down from the attic - she was mine when I was little. She is called Lucy and she is the size of a 6 month old baby and looks realistic. She has tried out the pushchair and car seat for us and I even practised with the baby sling :D And it's sooo easy to attach the car seat to the pushchair! I'm having a happy day. :)

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