
I was just going to suggest hols like jomc. Im off sick with SPD at the mo but am owed 3 weeks hol. Plan on staying off sick till 36 weeks, using my 3 weeks hol then startin mat leave a week before due date. Remember you accrue hols while on mat leave too x
Glad scan went well!!!

I know how you feel about work as I have the same sort of employer as you!!! They are being squeezed so tightly by the goverment that any leeway they ever gave has disapeared now.

My OH (same employer) has a very special medal presentation in December which I want to go to, usually they'd just let you go in work time but now, nope A/L required.........boooooo!!!

Do what's best for you and Pea hun, can you make it half way (do another 2 weeks) on light duties or something??? Do you have an Occ health type person you could talk too???
Well I have decided to go back today. I'm on light duties anyway so really will just be sat in my butt. I was going to see occupational health but I might wait cos the senior officers managing me are kinda lenient it's HR that are the problem.
All of my Mondays are being used in maternity stuff like ante natal and mw appts/scans so they won't expect me to go in those days and the others I can kind of do hours to suit myself so will see how it goes xxx
I'm glad you've decided to go back - it's not as if you're doing anything too strenuous and you and pea have been fine with you not sitting in bed doing nothing for the last couple of weeks :)
Hope today goes ok x
I am properly bored though :roll: they've not got much for me to do and all the powers that be are busy :wall: oh well web surfing it is ;)
So pleased for you that your placenta has moved! Fx its catching and mine has gone the same way! Sorry about the whole work thing though - def sounds like you made the right choice for now, you can always stop work early if you have any problems? x
My manager phoned me a while after I went in and I explained what was going on (bar the gory details lol) he said to me to go home and "work" from here because if the consultant is not happy with me being there then nor is he. So back to the sofa it is for this week ;)
Wow - what an understanding manager! My boss would have a total melt down if I had to stop work now!x
To be honest there's not that much that I can do anyway in my line of work. Most of my day is spent staring into space :lol: they were all very worried about me (seemingly) and they dont' want me to risk overdoing it. My parents come over tomorrow so I even get to be waited on by my mum ;)
So glad u have a lovely boss :) glad your folks are over to spoil you too xxxxx rest easy lady

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